I’ve just received a call from my CNS to confirm the results of my surgery that I have ovarian cancer stage 3. I don’t have an appt. For another 2 weeks when I see my Consultant to find out what type. How do I deal with the nxt 2 weeks? Any ideas ?
Diagnosis: I’ve just received a call from my CNS... - My Ovacome

Hello Hota
There have been many times on this journey that I have been waiting for results or for a consult. The thing I have learnt is to be busy. So plan things you like and do them. Get out and about. Don’t stay in and think too much. You will need and want to think- but restrict yourself. Be firm with yourself and after you have been thinking for x time- make yourself do something else. Getting up and going for a walk can do wonders… start a new craft project- whatever is right for you.., just don’t sit , think and wait-
That sounded a bit directive didn’t it! 😁
Sending love xx
I think whilst I was waiting for my appointments It was like an out of body experience most of the time like it wasn't happening to me then occasionally it would hit me for 5 mins that it was. Keep busy, visit friends family it also helps to talk rather than sit and thinking.
We just have to stay positive and fight this fight as that's all we can really do. I'm currently having my first reoccurrence so I'm learning more and more this time of how this all works.
Just ask any questions you feel you need to ask and write it down cause once u get in the room all the questions go out of ur head and so do the answers you are given. Good luck x
Waiting is the worst part. It's no good saying don't think about it because I found that impossible. All you can do is keep as busy as possible. See friends, go out, do your favourite things. Try to live what would have been your normal life. You'll have many times you'll have to wait. Scans, surgery, different treatments etc. I always try to put the worry in the bank (as I call it) and get it out when it's needed. Worrying doesn't change anything. Sometimes, I think of the worst scenario, put a plan into action in my mind and that helps me to cope with it. Not for everyone though.
Good luck with the results. We'll be thinking of you and here if you need us.
Sorry if I've made this worse for you. xx
The Ovacome helpline is really good too to talk things through, especially with someone who is not a friend /family. Also what everyone else has said. Sending positive vibes x
Be very kind to yourself and have a think about what you want to take into Hospital, you’ll be well looked after in there and you’ll be fine. Take care Sue xx
Hi HotaI agree with others here, keep busy and try to improve your level of fitness so you are as ready as you can be for the next stage of the journey. Eat as healthily as you can . We all do this in different ways but feeling useful to others makes me feel less helpless. For me it is getting up and dressed and walking the grandchildren to school. Walk my daughters dog, phone a friend and walk lots. Wishing you all the best x
Already some great advice on here. Clear a cupboard, do some gardening, listen to your favourite music, sort your photos - the sort of stuff that doesn't tax the brain too much but gives you a bit of focus.
The waiting is always horrid. Sending lots of love.
Siobhan x
Hi,I'm so sorry you have this news it's rubbish.
In my ' early days' I curled into a ball and worried/ mourned. Now I know I should have tried to do something different....
I read it that you have had surgery but I'm not sure if you have had exploratory or debulking? Whatever you have had it is likely you are going to meet your consultant and then suddenly things will go from 0 to 60 in terms of appointments. You are very likely to have chemotherapy.
My experience is that it is good to have yourself and your home in order as once treatment starts it can be hard to do things. I really like things in order when on treatment. All bills paid, clean house etc
So if I had my time again I would do two things -
I )would really get my home in order, probably give it a bit of a deep clean, make sure all bills etc are in hand , register for online shopping, just bel sorted .
2) I would be really really kind to myself. Give myself time and space to process, do yoga, have lovely soaks in bath, talk to some of my friends.
Of course if you have had major surgery 1 won't be possible.
Wishing you the very best,
Many thanks for your reply. I’ve had a full Hystetectomy with no visible disease left. It has been staged at 3 but I don’t know what type until I see my Consultant in 2 weeks. It’s just all the uncertainty that’s difficult to deal with.