I am interested to know if anyone is on Maintenance Therapy after initial first line treatment............I know about Avastin but wondered if there is anything else offered by the medical profession.
Maintenance Therapy : I am interested to know if... - My Ovacome
Maintenance Therapy
There was a phase 3 trial of olaparib for first line maintenance and it had remarkable results at postponing recurrence so it’s been fast-tracked in the US for sporting spring 2019.
Hi Lyn did you not have avastin with your frontline treatment, I had my firstline last year with avastin from Decmeber to April at the time I was coming up to finishing there was a trial ireland that was open called the Prima study and it was with a parb inhibitor called Niraparib as maintenance. I was deemed unsuitable as I was on avastin, I was never thrilled to be on avastin -like you I was concerned of the side effects and it affecting my bowel. So I was refused Niraparib although I had a 90% reduction in ca 125s while on treatment the only thing they would offer was avastin. So I went on it from June to September there was a 2 month break between finishing chemotherapy and starting maintenance. I had my ca 125s checked every 3 weeks they started at 181 went up to 390 came back to 310. i was very concerned so had ct scan and it came back with minor disease progression in September so was put on watch and wait and I went for a second opinion. New doctor felt I was platinum sensitive old doctor said I was resistant so changed hospital and got on cisplatin starting with a ca 125 of 870 and its now coming down. I have been offered orlaparib after this if it continues to fall.
Are you in the Mardsen I am in a private hospital now and I had a test done to check the PDL1 status of my tumour and this came back high which means I should have a good response to prembrolizumab immunotherapy it might be something that would interest you-however it is not funded for ovarian cancer here it has just been passed here after a huge mess up in our cervical screening programme. My oncologist feels that the tumour is what will respond not the location of it. Also you don't need a test for this they go with your debulking slides. Take care Clare
Hi Claire - I was due to start Avastin with Cycle 6 but it was delayed because I had to see a colon consultant, he said he needed a 6 week window clear of Avastin. Thank you for the info it has helped a great deal

its another problem with avastin I even had a tooth crown break during treatment and had to have a temporary job done in place so avoid any bleed. I also went for an opinion of trying to get cyberknife done on nodules and this again was refused as they do little tattoo like markings before the radiation as its so targeted while on avastin. It has worked very well for some ladies but it can limit options of other treatments.
Hi Lyn. I'm on both Avastin and Letrozole for maintenance right now (low grade serous OC, after successful surgery for recurrence and 6x carboplatin/paclitaxel chemo). Like you, I'm a tad worried about bowel complications but was told that's more common if the bowels had previously been impacted by the cancer tumours. Just hoping for the best right now.
Wish you success with the Avastin. Xx. Maus