Weight gain: Hi ladies, Is a weight gain any... - My Ovacome

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Weight gain

ZenaJ profile image
33 Replies

Hi ladies,

Is a weight gain any sort of sign that the cancer may be returning? I've put on half a stone over the last few weeks.

I'm going away this weekend to celebrate my uncles 90th birthday, leaving my son in charge while we're away. There's always a certain amount of concern to what you're going to come back to.

Have a good weekend ladies and hear from you all next week. Zena x

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ZenaJ profile image
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33 Replies
Lily-Anne profile image

Leaving my eldest son at home once while I went away was good for weight loss lol.

I put on about three stone during the last three years I think my metabolism changed a lot on thyroxine plus my lifestyle did too. Not sure it indicates recurrence as a stand alone

LA xx

ZenaJ profile image
ZenaJ in reply to Lily-Anne

Thanks Lily-Anne,

It's only because I've been weight watchers for a few years and remained the same for ages and now getting bigger and can't see why. Better than losing I guess. Zena x

ricky23 profile image

Just finished my Chemo got diagnosed 2012 but now stage 4 . I was 9 stone at the beginning used to go running gum 6 mile walks... NOW...4 Blinkin stone heavier. So gutted. Going to Greece on Monday and I look like a beached whale frankly. For me it's lack of exercise and eating like a pig ...got to get on top of it . I feel so down about it. Does chemo cause you to gain weight too? Oncologist said we like our patients to have weight on them!!! I don't!!! x

ZenaJ profile image
ZenaJ in reply to ricky23

I gained about 2 kilos a week on chemo. I thought people lost weight. I've always been a bit weight conscious so I wasn't too pleased. I managed to get back to normal but things are going wrong now. I'm not big really but feel uncomfortable and don't like what I see in the mirror. At least there's something to look at, I should be grateful.

Have you had your thyroid checked? That can cause weight gain.

Have a great holiday. I'd love to go to Greece but never been. There's still time but I have so many places I still want to visit.

Best wishes, Zena x

Lily-Anne profile image
Lily-Anne in reply to ricky23

Enjoy Greece. When I went on holiday in June I wore a bikini (don't laugh) with big patterned knickers to hide my stoma bag. Everyone was told head shots in photos only. Wasn't bothered about the other people around me. The top of my scar to breastbone was visible.

Life is for living five years ago I didn't think I'd turn 50!

LA xx

ZenaJ profile image
ZenaJ in reply to Lily-Anne

That's great Lily-Anne. Not only have you seen 50, there's no reason you won't see 60, 70 etc. xx

Lily-Anne profile image
Lily-Anne in reply to ZenaJ

My hubby is 60 this year he's 9 years older than me so would love to make it to 60 as he'll be nearly 70!


ZenaJ profile image
ZenaJ in reply to Lily-Anne

I think Lily-Anne, that whatever age we are at we all hope to make it to the next big O. My husband is two years younger than me and it didn't help when I had my operation when the woman in the bed opposite me asked if 'that was your son visiting you?' I nearly gave her a slap (lol) as I didn't think I looked that bad even with all the tubes coming out of every orifice. xx

Cropcrop profile image

I did the fluctuating weight game, by the time I'd had surgery I'd gone down to 8 and a half stones, I'm 5ft9in so I looked dreadful, around 5-6 weeks later I started chemo, 18 weeks later I was 12 and a half stones, and still not looking fabulous 🤔, I quite fancied I looked a bit like uncle fester from the Adams family, you know, no hair or eyebrows, big fat face and odd shape etc etc. 😂 (What a way to celebrate my 60th, not quite what if envisioned but we did it anyway) it took me two years to get back to my 'normal' weight of 10 and a half stones. The weight fluctuation thing is another wonderful part of this whole saga and I believe we are so much more conscious of any slight changes. Having said that if you've had a sudden change and if you're at all concerned you should go see your GP. It may just be one of those things, I always seem to put a little weight on during summer, but you need some peace of mind. Do let us know how you get on ❤️Xx Jane

ZenaJ profile image
ZenaJ in reply to Cropcrop

Thanks Jane, I really don't think it's anything to worry about now I've spoken you all. I'll have a weigh in on Tuesday and if it's still gone up I'll look into it further. No point in going to my GP, the poor old dear couldn't spot a pimple on a face.

Zena xx

Have a great weekend. Don't worry bout the house it will be fine. I suppose weight gain is different than bloating. Do go to your GPS next week if you are worried or ring the 0vacare Nurse on the helpline.

ZenaJ profile image
ZenaJ in reply to

Will do, thanks Suzuki. I"m off now so will answer the rest of my emails Sunday.

Have a good week everyone. xx

Katsmum profile image

Oh the extra weight we didn't expect! Two dress sizes bigger is not what I expected but I blame it on the steroids! It's probably the the cake and rich sauces I eat if I am truthful but I decided to indulge myself a bit whilst having this chemo! Off to Majorca for a week in 10 days time so will be doing the beached whale too.

If you really can't account for the sudden gain though you should speak to someone but I've not heard of it being a sign of cancer.

All the best

Jane x

Caroles1 profile image
Caroles1 in reply to Katsmum

Hi Jane,

I have just returned from my beached whale impersonation in Majorca.Once you look around you you will realise you are not that bad, tanned cellulite looks better than white cellulite and I had the audacity to wear a bikini,but,hey we are glad to be alive,just enjoy yourself

Carole xx

Katsmum profile image
Katsmum in reply to Caroles1

How true! i will certainly try and enjoy every minute - sun sea and a goodly dose of sangria!! X

ZenaJ profile image
ZenaJ in reply to Caroles1

Totally agree Carole x

ZenaJ profile image
ZenaJ in reply to Katsmum

Thanks Jane, I bet I'm eating more than I think I am. It can't be the steroids this time as I'm four years down the line now.

Since the cancer, where I was rarely ill, nowadays I put the slightest little thing down to cancer. Sometimes I think it's just getting older. I still seems to have chemo brain though.

Enjoy your holiday. You must be looking forward to it and whatever you look like and I bet it's not as bad as you think, there will be people on the beach that look a lot worse than you will. We will keep comparing ourselves to others won't we?

Best wishes, Zena xx

Sherrym profile image

I dropped to 7.7 stone during chemo, now at 9. Isn't is usual to put it on again after?

Get weight off tummy if poss. I skip breakfast till 12 effectively having just 2 meals a day & eat healthily but pretty much whatever I like. Mind you, breakfast is not a meal I ever feel like, so it's an easy one for me.

5:2 works-some of my friends swear by it.

ZenaJ profile image
ZenaJ in reply to Sherrym

I didn't lose any weight on chemo, in fact I gained nearly two kilo's a week. I got back to 'normal' and stayed there for over two years. It's just starting to creep up. Maybe too many glasses of wine and ice cream in the good weather.

I love breakfast, it's my favourite meal of the day. I eat as healthily as possible but I also want to enjoy life and indulge myself on a regular basis. Life is for eating after all.

I might try the 5:2 if I've got the will power. It's the big tummy that annoys me.

Thanks for the advice, Zena x

Sherrym profile image
Sherrym in reply to ZenaJ

Good luck Zena. In your pic u look fab, I must add

ZenaJ profile image
ZenaJ in reply to Sherrym

Thank you. I kept my own hair colour after chemo. Saved myself a fortune.xx

kittie profile image

I am the opposite with my first 3 chemos I never lost or put on weight (Carbo/Taxol for first chemo and 1st and 2nd recurrences) on 3rd recurrence I had Topotecan and lost 8 kilo so we are all different. I finished chemo a month ago and have not started to put the weight back on . I was a bit overweight anyway but I called it my extra padding.

ZenaJ profile image
ZenaJ in reply to kittie

Thanks Kittie, I liked the extra padding to start with because I thought everyone that had chemo lost loads of weight and I thought I'd have a good start. If I had lost weight I think I'd have faded away as I don't carry much extra weight to start with. I don't know why I worry about my weight I should be just grateful to still be here. x

Elizabethe profile image

Hi zenaj. It's probably not related but maybe it's worth getting it checked out just for peace of mind. I put on weight before diagnosis, don't know if it was related to the cancer or not but it can be a symptom. Now in recurrence I have sadly put on lots and lots of weight and am rocking th beached whale look described above. Nothing would get me in a bikini I am wearing my ancient maternity clothes! It's always worhth going to get checked out for peace of mind though especially as you also have your son in charge of house to think about (he will be fine we've just done the same and came back it find the house cleaner than we left it). Hope you have a good weekend & enjoy catching up with family at the party x

ZenaJ profile image
ZenaJ in reply to Elizabethe

Thanks Elizabethe, There seem to be so many different symptoms and I've certainly found out how different we have all been.

I'm glad to report my house is still standing but I'm glad it was only one night away. x

jacrjacr profile image

metabolism changes a lot as we age......I used to be a size 2 and now 4 sizes up just from age and slower metabolism etc....came on with hormones changing too.....don't panic....I also am gaining in areas I never had a problem in the past like stomach legs and thighs.....not fun and so so so hard to lose ...and I used to be able to eat anything I wanted. I am hypothyroid but weight just came on the last few years....with menopause

ZenaJ profile image
ZenaJ in reply to jacrjacr

Thanks for advice, I guess I'm going to have to live with it. I was always size 10 (UK) and am now nearly a 14. It's all hovering round my tummy which is really difficult to disguise. Those special knickers don't help either. What is squashed in in one area flops over the top in others. Michelin man hasn't got anything on me. x

Caroles1 profile image

Hi Zena,

I think putting weight on all around is just the way it goes,I would be worried if just my stomach was bloated.I saw my onc yesterday and he wants me to lose weight as do I as after my op I was a Size 10,but am now a size 16,but I was that before I got ill.He said it will be harder to lose because of the menopause and hysterectomy,but he said the 5:2 is a good way to lose weight.

I have to do something☹️

ZenaJ profile image
ZenaJ in reply to Caroles1

Thanks Carole,

Someone else suggested 5:2. I don't know if I've got the will power though.

Size 16 is hardly overweight. Loads of people are size 16. Lots of the hospital staff are for one thing. Eat healthily and do some light exercise every day. The menopause can be tricky. I must say I expected to have a flatter tummy after the hysterectomy but the opposite has happened. I did suggest that when they were fishing about in my tummy that might remove not only the infected fat but a bit extra and she said unfortunately they can't do that. How annoying. I thought, well as they're in there anyway but no. Never mind it could have all been worse.

Best wishes, Zena x

Katmal-UK profile image

Hi Zena. Id be very surprised if your weight gain was anything at all to do with a recurrence. Ive gained so much weight Ive given up worrying, always been on the 'chunky' side but now well......... beached whale doesnt come close lol. I put it down to the op and 10 years of treatments. One of the side effects of the trial drug Im on was loss of apetite, I didnt get that one! I eat healthily and my weight just seems to be the 'new' me. Kathy xx

ZenaJ profile image
ZenaJ in reply to Katmal-UK

And what's wrong with that Kathy, we're all different. I think I'm bothered because I've always been slim and still am for that matter just a bit bigger than what I'd like. It's nothing on the big scale of things.

I've had so many lovely replies that I'm not really worried about it any more. It just shows how good this site is and I'm grateful for all the support from everyone.

You're doing the right thing, you're eating healthily and that's the important thing. There are worse things to worry about than a little weight gain. Zena xx

Katmal-UK profile image
Katmal-UK in reply to ZenaJ

Thats what hubby says and the hospital arent bothered. Funnily I did lose about 8kg through trying and they panicked lol. Xx

ZenaJ profile image
ZenaJ in reply to Katmal-UK

That's a good weight loss. The problem is I like chocolate, rum and chips. xx

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