I am experiencing a noticeable losing weight with my advance OV/peritoneal cancer, is this normal ? What should I do to overcome this challenge?
Losing weight …: I am experiencing a noticeable... - My Ovacome
Losing weight …

I lost loads of weight too and it is really hard to find the right balance of eating healthily and putting on weight. Two years down the line I am still struggling but I have put some weight on.
Mainly I eat pretty normally but I supplement with nuts and seeds and avocados which are good fats.
Wish I could be more help.
Good luck. X
Hi, I have stage 4 ovarian cancer. I lost three stone initially. I just had debulking surgery and lost another half a stone.
Then I had an infection and was on antibiotics that caused me to have an upset stomach and have lost more weight.
My husband said I look like someone out of Belson.
Hi Ladies, my weight has gone down but only a little, at the beginning of this journey I would compensate with creamy cakes but of course this isnt the way to go. I try to eat healthy meals and succeed most of the time. If you find you are unable to eat to due lack of appetite, I suggest you could try small meals but more often. I juice once a day, have flaxseed and eat veg. I would eat berries whatever is on offer and in season. If your weight loss is significant, I would suggest you ask your gp or onc for prescription for those liquid drinks which give you energy. You do need to build your strenght and energy which must be low if you have lost so much weight. May be talk to practice nurse or macmillan nurses and they will give you better information
A with my weight loss I was prescribed protein shakes by the GP, that and the old favourite complan!
Good luck
Thanks soooooooooo much for your feedback ...i could feel my bones all over ...
but i agree with you regarding this "Eat healthy and exercise is my best offer" ...I need to do excercise, but i dont feel like to do it, ....my plan is to force my self....thnx again.