Just had call saying 3rd smear back abnormal an... - My Ovacome
Just had call saying 3rd smear back abnormal and to go to clinic to discuss,what will I expect honestly?
It's good you are being recalled to discuss the smear test and hopefully you'll be able to sort out whatever the problem might be. Cervical Smears don't detect ovarian cancer so I really hope there will be no worries for you on that score.
Please do let us know how you get on. xx Annie
I am sorry that you have had a recall for your smear test, but I honestly don't know what this entails, Ovarian Cancer is rarely picked up through a smear test (unless by some fluke) unfortunately Ovarian Cancer hasn't yet got any way of screening and is the reason it is often caught late.
It must be a worry for you and I do hope it won't be for anything serious.
Best wishes love x G x
Sorry but it's Cervical and al find out nxt week what stage, thanks doll, ure words are Apprieciated. X
The vast majority of "abnormalities" picked up on smear tests are either signs of infection (even something as simple as thrush), or v early changes in cells which will often right themselves without any treatment.
Depending on what your local lab looks for in smear tests, they may have detected wart virus, which again usually settles on its own (although some of the wart viruses can lead to an increased risk of cervical cancer in years to come, which is why they check for it and offer treatment if necessary).
So although it's scary to be called back, it may well not be anything serious.
Remember - smear tests are not for spotting cancer -- they are for spotting any early changes which MIGHT, if left alone, have a tendency to develop into cancer in YEARS to come - and then getting rid of any such cells so that they can't turn nasty on you.
So it's good that you've had your smear; bad that it's causing you this worry; but if there's anything that needs treating it will probably be simply to avoid future problems. And it is highly unlikely to be any sort of emergency situation!
Hope it all works out OK for you.
Thanks, the joys of being a woman, al let u all know. Thanks girls. Xx
Hi! I am sure you'll be worried, and will feel better when you have more info.
I can't help, we've all been diagnosed with, or caring for women with, ovarian cancer. Have a look at the Eve Appeal website, which caters for info on women's Gynae cancers including diagnosis and facts about cervical cancer. I hope you can find the answer there
Good luck
Love Wendy xx