I hade a spine compression fracture in feb -24 and not sure when it's ok to start using vibration plate. Any one having an experience if this?
Hi, has anyone experience of using vi... - Osteoporosis Support
Hi, has anyone experience of using vibration plate (ex. Power plate) after having a spine compression fracture?

I have been using the vibration platforms. Slowly gaining more info. by studying on line with good details. Power plate has studies and more info. I started at low level G of 1 then slowly increased. I do not have compression fx. I do have low bone density (lifelong) related to celiac disease. Sitting on it, breathing deeply. Sitting tall. I use my arms pushing the ground away to engage the core more and to keep your front and back trunk muscles pulling into center. I am growing more experienced and confident and knowledgeable over time. This is my 3rd month. It is a delight. I feel more strength and help to injuries from long ago. We are all different.
I had six compression fractures and I use a low level platform that is specially recommended and researched for osteoporosis. I think it's best to wait until the fractures have repaired and not in the acute painful stage. I haven't had a scan recently but I do feel that i am improving in strength all the time. It's advisable to do your research to find the best low level machine and to use it for 10 minutes at a time.