Nursery behaviour: My son has recently... - Ask Norfolk Parents

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Nursery behaviour

muddypuddles123 profile image
3 Replies

My son has recently just had a 2.5 year review done by the nursery he attends. When I pick H up from nursery they always just inform me he has "had a good day" with no other significant factors . So it was a suprise to find that his review was incredibly negative with views such as " he is overly confident when it comes to climbing and has no fear", "engages in a short while at story time but gets distracted and wants to play", " gets easily frustrated and can only say a few words to form simple sentences". (At home I believe he has a good vast range of vocab, complex words and understanding) "Can play with others but doesnt like others in his space and can take toys from others and hit out".

"Can ride a bike but doesnt always look where he is going".

He can at times have tantrums when he wants his own way (as I thought normal for many 2.5 year olds learning boundaries do)

But this report really has me doubting my parenting skills and worrying something is wrong with him or the wrong environment for him; as to me he displays very good with motor skills, counting, shapes, colours alphabet etc. He is very kind and loving to animals and shows a good level of empathy. It seems strange they haven't picked up or reported on any of these positives. Why would he display such different behaviour at nursery if this is the case and what would you suggest going forward ?

He has recently dropped to one day at nursery due to funding from 3 but with the possibility to increase it to another morning but I'm not sure this is the right environment for him to progress. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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muddypuddles123 profile image
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3 Replies
Babypigeon profile image
BabypigeonCommunity Ambassador

Hi, firstly never doubt your parenting skills we as parents always do our best. (Weather we believe we do or not). I would ask to speak to the nursery regarding the report and understand it together.We found with our daughter she struggled with only going one day as they couldn't get into a routine. So when our son started we went with two days straight off (But costs are so much it's hard to justify sending them more untill you can get free childcare) Our nursery always say if they have issues so that we can work on it or figure out what's happening. So again I would ask why this wasn't reported to you sooner. (Sometimes it's one of those things and you may never work out what the issue was and they will learn and grow.

I have found from talking to other parents our children are completely different at nursery or school to how they are at home. I should say it's always worth looking at other nursery's to see what's about. But if you can work it out with his current one as he is in that environment it might be worthwhile. How long has he been at the this nursery? Xx

RachelModerator profile image

Hello muddypuddles123 ,

Have you requested a meeting with his keyworker or SENCO.

You need to be as honest as you can with them and explain their concerns have come out of the blue and you would like to discuss this in a bit more detail.

See what Nursery are implementing to help him with the areas they have expressed concerns in.

You will due a developmental questionnaire from our service so maybe this will give you a bit more clarity.

In addition to this, please call 0300 300 0123 to explore his development in more detail. And most importantly, please do not question your parenting ability!

Take Care, Rachel

muddypuddles123 profile image
muddypuddles123 in reply to RachelModerator

Thank you both for replying. I have since contacted his key worker at the nursery again and spoken with them over her concerns. She said theres no need to be worried and there is a few in the class that don't like sharing/pushy. Hopefully he will progress and learn with time and socialising more how to do so, i think being an only child is a big factor in it as he is not used to sharing with others at home. I dont feel he has any issues where senco would need to be contacted at present and when i mentioned it to her she felt the same. I think it came across worse than it did as it was all written so negatively -even what i would say were positives; but hopefully after speaking with them they will give me a bit more feedback after each session now! He occationally does this thing when he has a tantrum/wants something (ie the other day at soft play tried to climb up a slide and i took him off as his friend was coming down ) where he holds his breath when crying and lips go blue even like he faints for a second or two - which panics me so much - so i try not to let him get in that state and give in normally to his demands so im going to work on that and being strong - it is just pretty scary though ! X

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