Favourite family meal on a budget .. - Ask Norfolk Parents

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Favourite family meal on a budget ..

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One of our favourite meals I regularly make for my family is a good old fashioned stew! It’s easy, cheap & nutritious, you can throw basically anything into it, & it can feed a family for a couple or more days depending on the size of the saucepan or pot it’s cooked in & amount of ingredients used.

I use a large stockpot to cook stews, & it usually gives us enough meals for two days, plus at least another two meals each for the freezer.

When my daughter was younger I used to cook blander stews to portion up for the freezer, so she always had quick nutritious meals to heat up instead of buying jars of baby food. As she got older she would call it ‘soupy stew’, one of her favourite meals, along with roast dinners, & mild chicken korma curry :)

A couple of little tips, adding a flat teaspoon of sugar whilst cooking helps stop any possible bitterness from the vegetables, & adding some creme fraiche before serving makes the stew so much richer & moorish, yum!

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