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Oesophageal & Gastric Cancer

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I'm new here...

3 Replies

Hi everyone... I have had heartburn for a lot of years which I have managed with over the counter meds .... About 3 years ago the heartburn just went away which was wonderful, as I could and did eat everything!. Then about 18 months ago my food regurgitation came back along with bad acid reflux, also pain in my chest along with constant belching, but no heartburn. My dr gave me pantoprazole 40 mg and told me to take this twice a day. This seemed to ease things for a couple of months. Then it came back with a vengeance , so I was sent for a endoscopy, which was done so quick ( can they really see everything that quick?) it was straight in and out.... I was told that I had lots of stomach acid and to keep taking 40 mg of pantoprazole once a day.... The regurgitation is getting much worse even after a cup of tea I get it. I am burping all the time and the pain in my sternum is much, much worse, almost constant wether I eat or not, and can be really painful.... I would really appreciate any advice as I am so worried... Tia

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3 Replies

When you have persistent heartburn for years and it suddenly goes away, it can be because Barrett's Oesophagus has completed it's changes of the lining of the oesophagus. It is then very important to have an endoscopy that takes biopsies every 2cms in each quadrant to check for dysplasia. There is more information at actionagainstheartburn.org.uk

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Thank you for your reply Alan... I had a endoscopy this year which was over and done with very quick ... Wouldn't they have noticed something wrong with my oesophagus then??? She just said that I had lots of acid

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I think Barrett's oesophagus would be visible. Are you able to see the endoscopy report, perhaps through your GP? The taking of biopsies does take much longer than a quick visual endoscopy. I think it is called the Seattle protocol for how they take biopsies.

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