Lansoprazole not working: Hi, i'm new... - Oesophageal & Gas...

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Lansoprazole not working

Elliott1dog profile image
59 Replies

Hi, i'm new on here. I've been taking Lansoprazole for about 2 yrs, and not had much improvement. I went back to my GP, who put me on Ranitidine as well, but there has still been no improvent. So i decided to try natural remedies. I started to take apple cider vinegar 4 days ago, which seems to have made things worse. Can anyone help please. I'd rather not be taking the ppi's

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Elliott1dog profile image
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59 Replies

Hi Elliot I was on Omeprozole and Lansoprazole for over 3 years constantly felt rotten mainly nausea so so specialist and he put me on Rabeprazole and feeling a lot better,it might be worth trying a change of meds.they are all antacids but some work better for one and some for others.all the best.

When you state that they are not working, could you be more specific? Do you mean that you are suffering from reflux? If you have had an oesophagectomy and perhaps quite a lot of your stomach removed as well, there is a fair chance that you might be suffering from bile reflux, in which case it might mean that you should be on something like sucralfate, but this is complete speculation without your being properly seen and diagnosed by a doctor.

There are acid testing strips that you can use to test how acid your saliva is immediately after reflux, but the hospital will also be able to run a test. I am not sure how apple cider vinegar reacts as far as acid:alkali balance is concerned, but conceivably it could indeed make things worse.

Try Gaviscon, because that creates a protective alginate raft, and see how that goes. It works for both acid and alkali.

I think we would all rather not take medication, but PPIs are not bad compared to the effects that one would suffer if one did not take them at all, and they are generally safe and are popular medicines, notwithstanding that like anything they will have side effects. So I think the priority should be to try and resolve the main issue (eg reflux) first and then consult your doctor about alternatives. Persistent reflux won't be good for your system anyway.

But, the problem may not be reflux....?

Elliott1dog profile image
Elliott1dog in reply to

The Lansoprazole and Ranitidene were working fine for 2 years, then suddenly about 5 weeks ago, i had what felt like a severe burning at the back of my throat and Esophagus. That is what my meds were supposed to help with. I'd never had this symptom before it is new. So i've tried taking Gaviscon as well and that doesn't ease the burning. I wondered if now i have low stomach acid and my meds are of no use. Is there an acid otc test i could get, or a home remedy one to test my acid levels. I'm trying to get to see my GP again, but to be honest she is of no help now and doesn't know what to try next. Its hopeless really

Sorry i'm going on, everyone is being so helpful.

Judley profile image
Judley in reply to Elliott1dog

Elliott1dog, Hi I realise that this is a bit of an old post but interested to know if you got to the bottom of it all and what meds do you take now? x

Try Simplex pH test strips from Amazon. The 'normal' pH varies for different parts of the body and I do not know how accurate these are. I think the normal for saliva is 7.2-7.4; higher more alkali, lower more acid. You would have to test your saliva immediately on having reflux.

I have been asking about this issue and will be interested in how you get on. It would be something to give the GP as extra information.

Elliott1dog profile image
Elliott1dog in reply to

Thankyou, i have ordered the ph test strips so will see what they show. I am at the end of my tether really, as my GP offered me an Endoscopy, and i had to refuse. I can't even say the word Endoscopy, i get sweaty and get the shakes and feel sick, so if i get to see the Gastro dept, and they offer me an Endoscopy, i could not have it without a GA. Some people would say oh don't be silly it's over and done with in minutes and you have sedation. But it's not enough for me. All this would be over if they would just say, yes we can do it under a GA. I want to know if i have any other options. It's all really getting me down now.

So i'll plod on and see what the outcome of the strips are then go back AGAIN to my GP.

Thankyou for your help, the advice really helps.

Dulux7878 profile image
Dulux7878 in reply to Elliott1dog

How about the camera capsule? I had this at St Thomas's and it is available at other hospitals. You need to push for it. A Dr at my practice told me it wasn't available which is incorrect. She said it was a "specialist treatment and I would have to have a gastroscopy first". I made investigations of my own and it was available, she was wrong. You still have to take the "drain clearer" medication but you swallow a capsule the size of a normal pain killer and it does the job

Sikipoo profile image
Sikipoo in reply to Dulux7878

Thanks for posting this. Was this on nhs? There is no way I will ever put myself through an endoscopy. I was assured sedation would be good and yet I was completely aware. I pulled the tube out after they tried to insert it and ran.

People do get anxious about endoscopies, but I think there is a very logical reason why they suggest it, because they do help diagnose what is happening. One option would be to get the appointment and then let them know you have enormous anxiety about the procedure. See what they offer.

Elliott1dog profile image
Elliott1dog in reply to

Thankyou i will let you know how i go on.

focused1 profile image
focused1 in reply to Elliott1dog

I was scared about this test but the staff deal with this procedure every day . I have had to have 2 of these .They are needed to see the severity of your illness .

I am told on good medical authority:

Re the pH strips - reflux above the level of the upper oesophageal sphincter is quite rare so whilst a low pH would be likely a true positive e and neutral pH would not necessarily mean it was negative or alkaline pH - hope that helps

The other thing would be a breath test that they would do in a hospital for this sort of thing.

Elliott1dog profile image
Elliott1dog in reply to

Thankyou for this, but sorry to sound stupid, are you saying that the strips may not be a true reading of what's going on, and what does the breath test involve ?

It does sound stupid at all! I believe that the acidity may not normally reach the mouth saliva except perhaps for when you get that sudden mouthful of awful-tasting stuff in your mouth. But this is a bit of speculation on my part because I have not used these strips myself. I also believe that acidity readings change according to location within the digestive system.

Elliott1dog profile image
Elliott1dog in reply to

Yes i see, well the burning is in my upper chest and throat, and sometimes it fells warm at the back of my nose, so i'm hoping the acid is far enough up to show a good reading on the test strips. I'm calling my GP on Monday, something has to be done soon, i can't cope with this for much longer. Do you know of anyone that has had an Endoscopy under a GA.

Lissymae profile image
Lissymae in reply to Elliott1dog

Hi I’m new just now and I have had a endoscopy under GA and I was out like a light I didn’t know nothing until I woke up well after all finished my hospital was great I have hiatus hernia and Barrett’s oesophagus from reflux for a long time and I was suffering quite bad tbh so had to go and have the endoscopy which wasn’t nearly as bad as I was exspecting tbh hope this helps anyone with any questions feel free

The NHS website says that endoscopy does not GENERALLY require a general anaesthetic

from which you may infer that sometimes it can happen. I do not know anybody personally who has had this with a general anaesthetic, but I do know that the best hopsitals are very good at understanding and adjusting their procedures when people are really anxious.

Elliott1dog profile image
Elliott1dog in reply to

Thankyou, I've left the Lansoprazole off for a few days, and done the ph test on saliva for 2 days. The results showed a reading of 7 which is quite good. It said anything lower than a 6 was poor and meant a high stomach acid. So it shows i think that i don't have high levels and therefore don't need the Lansoprazole or Ranitidene. My GP is sending me to see the Gastro specialist, but is making a note that it is impossible for me to have the procedure done without a GA. So i'll see what happens now.

focused1 profile image
focused1 in reply to Elliott1dog

When I got to the hospital for this test you could choose yourself whether / not to have GA . If you opt for GA they will give you advice about eating and drinking times beforehand . Follow to the letter as even a sip of milk will result in you not being tested.

Fizzy35 profile image
Fizzy35 in reply to focused1

Yes a friend sucked a polo mint and was refused

Fizzy35 profile image
Fizzy35 in reply to

Yes our daughter had an endoscope under sedation and apparently pulled out tube without her knowledge

Was then booked in for a general. All ok

Hope this helps

Leaving off the medication would be interesting to see what effect it has if you can cope with it. There is sometimes a 'bounce' reflux effect after stopping a PPI, but this is temporary.

Elliott1dog profile image
Elliott1dog in reply to

Yes, this evening i have quite bad burning in my chest and throat, but i want to persevere if i can to see if it corrects itself. It always hurts more when i am hungry for some reason. I'm also a little more concerned now as i've read that persistant heartburn that doesn't go off could be a sign of cancer, but i don't have any other symptoms. No nausea or coughing blood or a feeling of food getting stuck so i'm trying to be hopeful.

Fizzy35 profile image
Fizzy35 in reply to

And try a wedge pillow

Drink plenty of water and have things that would soothe your system.

Persistent reflux can, over time, damage the lining of your oesophagus, and there is a relationship between persistent heartburn/ Barrett's oesophagus and adenocarcinoma, (eg newly-developed Barrett's Oesophagus at age 30 may have an 11 - 25% risk of cancer by the age of 80) but the important thing short term is to try and sort out a diagnosis for your digestive problems as the heartburn risk is very low in the short term.

It is a good thing to consult with your doctor about stopping PPI medication after a period to review whether they have resolved the underlying problems (eg stomach ulcers) and then to investigate what is happening.

You can also have medication like Gaviscon Advance and antacid medication to try and calm things down until you see the hospital doctor.

I think it would also be helpful to set out a timeline of symptoms and other things that have happened so that this makes a comprehensive story that you can tell the specialists when you see them.

Elliott1dog profile image
Elliott1dog in reply to

Thankyou you have been so helpful. I do take Gaviscon advance when i get it bad, andcit was so bad last night i had 2 lots. This morning i was still suffering so i had a Ranitidene..... didn't want to but it was so bad. I have started a diary so i can show it the specialist, i'm just hoping he is sensitive to my fear, and will agree to the Endoscopy under a GA. We'll see. Thankyou again.

Elliott1dog profile image
Elliott1dog in reply to

Well, yesterday i had a call from the hospital saying my GP had asked for an Endoscopy to be done under a GA. So she rang me to tell me that it is not the normal procedure, but they would do a heavy sedation with Propafol. She said i wouldn't be awake for it, and therefore wouldn't know the procedure had been done, and if i could come this morning, Friday 18th, the anaesthetist would fit me in.

So i plucked up the courage and went. I can honestly say, it's an amazing sedation. I had the throat spray which was awful, then he told me he was administering the Propafol, and the next thing i knew i was waking up in recovery. I can't believe how scared i was, i almost didn't go, but i knew i needed to find out what was going on. It was amazing. Anyway the results were, i have a Hiatus Hernia, my stomach lining was clear as was my oesophagus, so i just need treatment for the Hernia from my GP. Or preferably treat it myself with natural remedies, which i would prefer to do. But for anybody out there who is as scared as i was of the procedure, Propafol is the way to do it, it's an amazing drug, i woke up quite refeshed, with no nausea or headache.

tallbear profile image
tallbear in reply to Elliott1dog

Hello there Elliott,

First I would like to say congratulations on overcoming your fear of the dreaded endoscopy, and getting what was a very necessary procedure underway. And congratulations on the outcome as well believe me that is a result.

My first endoscopies were without a sedative and you are right to fear such a procedure it was utterly horrendous and I opted afterwards to do as you did and have the heavy duty sedative. I was the same as you and awoke to think crumbs is it over!

The other thing I wanted to say was if a hiatus hernia was discovered, this is normally at the valve junction between the stomach and the esophagus hence the burning reflux, when the stomach acids make their way up your esophagus. The thing I found best was the chew able antacid tablets you can just buy in the chemist I used to take them in threes. I would be inclined to be guided by the medical people in relation to sorting out the hernia.

I had this long term and it did develop to Barretts esophagus and then to cancer of the esophagus. I have had a big operation called an Ivor Lewis two part esophagectomy which I wish I hadn't had to so my advice is get the hiatus hernia sorted out and keep on taking the anti reflux medicines they could save you a lot of problems later on in life.

And the very best of luck with it all

Elliott1dog profile image
Elliott1dog in reply to tallbear

Thankyou, yes i was extremely relieved to get through the procedure, and i feel like a weight has been lifted off my head now i know the result. I went in thinking the worst, and came out a lot happier. But now after hearing your story, it seems the fight isn't over yet, and i'm now worried that my acid reflux could end up turning into a cancer, and i'm now worried again. I will go back to my GP and see what she suggests, but i would like to do anything that will give me a chance of it not turning into a cancer. Sorry. I'm a bit down again now.

tallbear profile image
tallbear in reply to Elliott1dog

No Elliott,

Down is not the place to be, you are in a really good position.

My sincere apologies if I have scared you, that certainly wasn't my intention but let me make it a little clearer.

Untreated things can progress into Barrats, but with your endoscopy coming out clear for the stomach and the esophagus that is a real result. There is no reason for you to think that yours will develop into anything more than the reflux you have now. Please believe me, that is true.

Control the reflux and everything else will be OK.

Explanation - there was fifteen years between my first and second endoscopy, my first showed inflammation of the esophagus and was treated with Gaviscon on the doctors advice. Fifteen years later 2015 my reflux was getting really unbearable and I had another endoscopy and they found I had developed Barretts esophagus, and a hiatus hernia.

I was not taking any of the things like omeprazole which would have really made a massive difference until I had the second endoscopy.

The Barretts esophagus rapidly developed and a third endoscopy showed I had cancer of the esophagus. Because the cancer had been caught in it's early stages, they advised the operation which I had last September and removed all traces of cancer, I am cancer free!

You should stop worrying yourself straight away, all I was trying to say was follow the advice of the docs, from here forward YOU need to make sure you monitor your health as well as the medical professionals, and if you need to take omeprazole or lanzoprazole then take it and keep the reflux under control.

Just one more thing that helps some people at night with reflux. Sleep with your head and shoulders higher than your body, propped up, this makes it less likely that the reflux will come back up to your throat, and please don't worry on account of my condition. We are all different and just because that's what happened to me it doesn't follow that this will happen with you.

I feel like I haven't helped now and I do apologise if I scared you

Best wishes and believe me when I say you have had a result


Elliott1dog profile image
Elliott1dog in reply to tallbear

Oh thankyou so much for your prompt reply. I was a little down after reading your message. I feel a lot better after reading your second message. I intend to look after myself now, and manage my acid reflux. I'm going to see what my GP says and also visit the health store to see what they say. Thankyou again i feel liads better now.

Lissymae profile image
Lissymae in reply to Elliott1dog

I have the same but my oesophagus is damaged from the acid caused by the hernia so have Barrett’s oesophagus aswell and my lansoprazole has just stop working gotta ring docs tomorrow again 😩wish me luck and glad now you getting sorted 😆

That sounds really good, and I am glad it went well for you.

Elliott1dog profile image
Elliott1dog in reply to

Thankyou for your help and support, it helped a lot

Renecarr profile image
Renecarr in reply to Elliott1dog

Hi Elliot.

Please have been suffering for years with exactly the same as you . I’m at the end of my tether too . I have just googled , acid tablets not working, and found an interesting post by a lady who discovered a doctor Reddy in a London hospital who says there are four reasons why medication might not be working , a monitoring test was done which discovered the problem was that food wasn’t going down the esophagus properly because of thickening if the muscle making the valve stick so a balloon was inserted to gently widen the opening and within a couple of days all her symptoms had gone. . I really feel this could be my problem as I feel a restriction in my throat and middle of my chest so I’m about to ask my specialists st for this procedure .

Renecarr profile image
Renecarr in reply to Renecarr

Friend request me in Facebook and I will give you more details. Rene Carr. Gateshead Tyne and Wear make up artist , ragdoll cat breeder .

Judley profile image
Judley in reply to Renecarr

Renecarr which London hospital was that please?

focused1 profile image

Depends what you take them for but I would see your GP . If your symptoms have been going on for so long then it may be best to ask for tests to ensure they haven't got any worse . I have read so many negative comments about taking ppi's long term that I am on list for surgery.

hondated profile image

Hi EI, just joined forum as I found by the use of Google that you were experiencing exactly what I too am experiencing two years later. I genuinely hope that by now your issues have been resolved though.

Unlike yourself I did go as soon as I could for a endoscopy and was informed that I had no problem. Great but not so as I was then referred for a 24 hour acid monitor and was informed that I had a hiatal hernia. All of this however was after I had convinced my GP that I did not need happy pills as I was feeling anxious but knew I had a physical problem. It was only when I realised after many visits to my GP that my teeth enamel had eroded, due to the acid, and again using Google I self diagnosed I have acid reflux.

Since then for two years I have been taking Lansoprazole and Ranitidine topped up when necessary with Peptac a version of Gaviscon. But just recently the AR has really been getting worse. So much so that even with my pillows stacked up in bed I am getting acid during the night. I should have also said that the 24 hour monitor established that I was making acid whilst I am asleep but no one seems to have questioned why this is.

At 5 ' 10" - 16 st I am clearly overweight but shedding weight is proving to be a real problem as we all know and my GP has cited this as a reason for not having an operation.

What is also ironic is that I am a keen swimmer Cyclist but because of interrupted sleep I have no energy to do either.

To try and ease this situation I brought a bottle of Cider Apple Vinegar as I have read this can help. Anyone got any opinions about using this !

Going by what I have read AR in the UK is becoming really common but getting it resolved is proving to be a real nightmare.

Basel-m profile image
Basel-m in reply to hondated

Hi there,

I’m here for the same obvious reason.

I’m not sure if you’re replying here anymore, but if you’re and have any advice, I would really appreciate it.



Judley profile image
Judley in reply to hondated

Hondated. What is AR

bmwted profile image
bmwted in reply to Judley

Hi Judley AR = acid reflux

Hooe that helps.

bmwted profile image
bmwted in reply to bmwted

Hope that helps

Judley profile image
Judley in reply to bmwted

Yes, realised shortly after. Thanks

Basel-m profile image

Hi Elliot,

I was searching online about acid reflux and that’s how I got here. Suffering from acid reflux for nearly 2 years. I was on ranitidine and now I’m on lansoprazole. Waiting for my endoscopy appointment, which I absolutely hate to even think about :(

I’m not sure you’re even reading or writing messages here anymore, but if you’re, I just wish to know how’s everything with you now? Any advice would be much appreciated.


peterfromlondon profile image

i have the same problem so i do sympathise !

Fizzy35 profile image

Hi unpleasant as it sounds you need to ask to be referred for an endoscopy

This will truly get to the cause and you can op for sedation which I recommend

Best wishes


focused1 profile image

Hi . I endured a lot of testing before my op . Seems to be a strange way of deferring the surgery and a cruel way of determining whether you really want the op which for me was the easiest part . I had day surgery in Jan 2018 for hiatus hernia. Almost 5 hour surgery and out at 10pm . A month of pure liquid diet then weaning onto solids . Now I feel I have a gastric band fitted . This helps you shed weight . I also did the 18 month PARIS gym rehab programme. Aged 59 I am

a new person. Maintain my 18kg weight loss and my confidence inspired me to get a new job and nicer wardrobe . For me it was the best but the journey wasn't

Judley profile image
Judley in reply to focused1

Hi focused1, what surgery did you have and what were your symptoms before?

focused1 profile image

My symptoms started with problems swallowing a bacon sandwich on toast in a cafe . I didn't eat this combo frequently but was puzzled by how it was so hard to eat and digest . I actually put that to the back of my mind but a couple of weeks later I started with an awful cough -worse in a morning . I spent about 10 mins clearing mucus from my throat each morning . Thinking I was catching the cough from the kids at work I went to the Drs 3 months later - cough almost the same but now a sore throat and an increase in swallowing mainly carbs and any meat that I had to cut up . I stopped eating bread - couldn't swallow it without feeling I had stones in my windpipe which made me feel quite scared .

Dr prescribed lanzoprazole tablets but I requested NHS specialist opinion as this drug is not for long term use without repercussions .

After several consultant appointments , awful invasive tests including a tube fed via my nose several times then a fine tube left for 24 hours and a monitor - removed the day after all whilst awake - I finally was given option of a Nissan fundoplication which I opted for and had vis day surgery in Jan 2018 . I was booked for an overnight stay but due to bed shortage I came home after over 4 hour surgery the same evening .

angie2911 profile image
angie2911 in reply to focused1

Hey focused1. I read your message last night at 3am UK time as I couldn't sleep because of the horrendous acid reflux. I've had it for years on and off, but recently it's been awful. Acid wether I eat or not, trouble swallowing meds, pain, burning, ribcage pain. etc.

I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia 5 years ago. I am allergic to all PPI's and I'm on the highest possible dose of ranitidine, which is not working.

I am now contemplating surgery if possible, I wanted to ask how you are doing and feeling now after your operation?

Best wishes


focused1 profile image
focused1 in reply to angie2911

It was 200% the best thing I did . Jan 2018 changed my life although it wasn't easy at first . Promised an overnight stay after over 4 hours of surgery my local NHS hospital had a bed crisis so I went home the same day . I was quite sore but only had 5 plasters on the puncture wounds - bit groggy from op though .

You need to follow the strict liquid diet - me - 4 weeks .I bought a nutra bullet and pureed all food . For the first week you are recovering anyway so food isn't on your mind .

After 6 weeks I had follow up . I had lost 5kg too so was feeling a lot healthier.

I also managed to sign for a 6 - 18 month PARIS rehab supported reduced price gym membership which helped me gain confidence with guided exercise and someone as a go to person . Apply by googling then you are telephone interviewed . I emphasised my need to shed weight .

Into Jan 2020 . I am 17kg lighter . Never been fitter . Last year changed jobs - wouldn't have had the confidence or the health to do this . Aged 59 I have also got no knee pain either and a BMI of 25 which isn't perfect but I don't want to be super skinny .

I am careful what I eat although this Xmas I have eaten / drunk what I want .

I feel the best advice I would give is if your diet isn't / wasn't great then see this as a new start . I use Myfitness pal app for guidance but after I while I only weigh myself about once a month and keep to about 1400 cals without any logging food in now .

angie2911 profile image
angie2911 in reply to focused1

That's brilliant to hear. I understand surgery is a last option, but it seems like it may be my only option now.

For every success there seems to be a negative, but I can't go on like this.

How big was your hernia when you were operated on?

I appreciate your reply and wish you all the best.


focused1 profile image
focused1 in reply to angie2911

I actually never got an answer to this but I found it hard to swallow and digest especially bread and meat . The tierdness was also a problem as I couldn't sleep so got headaches too. I think you need to really tell the surgeon that it isn't just the condition but everything else it brings . Psychological - dreading being invited out , feeling drained at work etc . For me it wasn't just the final resort it was the only one as long term taking of Lansoprazole isn't great . It can lead to stomach ulcers as my friends husband found out . I don't regret surgery one bit .

angie2911 profile image
angie2911 in reply to focused1

Hi again. Luckily enough I have no issues swallowing food so far, but pills are another story. They can stick in my throat for hours sometimes. I can also reflux with just water too. I have issues with digesting food too, it seems to, in my mind, be stuck around the hernia.

I completely agree, in many people who are asymptomatic it causes no problems, but for those of us that are affected, doctors don't seem to grasp how life affecting/changing it is.

I can't socialize or "have a coffee" with friends. I don't sleep well. I can't exercise because it hurts the hernia, like the diaphragm causes breathlessness. I'm tired, nauseous, bloated, my throat is raw, I have headaches,even palpitations when the acid is bad, and undiagnosed sinus issues. Food has become an enemy and I hate living like this. I also have spinal issues....

I see my GP in a month to discuss whats happening next, will have to be referred to a gastro specialist first. I'd imagine a barium swallow and an endoscopy (last one was 5 years ago) . Probably the dreaded 24 HR ph test 😫

Since I'm allergic to all PPI's and the ranitidine is not working, I'd imagine if the tests show things have gotten considerably worse, I'd be a candidate for surgery. I'm up in Scotland.

Although we can't afford to go private, if it comes to it, we'll find a way.

Thank you again and very best wishes


focused1 profile image
focused1 in reply to angie2911

I was the same in thinking ..I need to get this over with ASAP = private route then I thought all all costs for tests , consultation . op etc and thought ..just hang in there .

I would mention all you have written here as for me it wasn't just the physical side . I laid it on thick about me being exhausted at work , fear of being incapable as I was so tierd and what this was doing to my mental health , finances etc which nobody can dispute if you get the jist of this ....

I feel I made the right choice . I now keep my weight down . Still attend the gym - I didn't do this beforehand and I felt the support from the PARIS scheme helped me afterwards .

Don't be fobbed off if you think this is right . I didn't want to be a slave to medication either . Day surgery to me was the easy option and if you keep to the diet plan afterwards then it isn't a process to be feared . Allow yourself about 6 weeks off work afterwards as you will be on a liquid diet for a while or request at least a part time return plan after 4 weeks .

Please feel free to ask me anything as I was in the wilderness with this .

angie2911 profile image
angie2911 in reply to focused1

Thank you so much for taking the time to write all this, no one understands unless they suffer with it, and I don't personally know of anyone who has had the op.

It's done more in the U.S for sure, but not so much over here as doctors just don't understand how bad it is, and of course "budgets and costs".

I won't be robbed off, I will persist within the NHS.

Thank you again. I really appreciate it and Happy New Year when it comes 😊

Best wishes


focused1 profile image
focused1 in reply to angie2911

Please update me with your progress and lets hope 2020 will be a year to be remembered for the right reasons .

angie2911 profile image
angie2911 in reply to focused1

I most certainly will and likewise, be good to keep in touch 😊

All the very best


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