Arrived on ward for chemo this morning to be told that our oncologist wanted us to go down and see her before we started. Knowing that our PET results are due are hearts literally jumped and I was shaking so much I was barely able to walk there. But guys it was good news - no spread picked up anywhere else including lymph nodes. So the plan is to continue with the chemo and then between second and third cycle add in RT with the aim to keep it under control and there is a chance just a small chance mind you that this will be curative treatment - I will take that chance and run with it. Regards all Lyn x
PET results in: Arrived on ward for... - Oesophageal & Gas...
PET results in

As I said on mac site its fab news and am very pleased
Griff x

Just sending a hug x
That's fantastic news wishing you all the best.
So pleased for you both! Loads of good vibes sent your way. Hope the treatment goes well and you get a really good result
Charlie x
That is good news! It is not compulsory to have an unsuccessful outcome! Somebody has to represent the statistics that indicate curative treatment, so it might just as well be you!
Alan I so agree with you. Griff I don't know what chemo you are on this time ? Nielsen is having Oxaliplatin when he goes in - suffice to say we were supposed to leave unit at 4pm and he was still on a bed at 7pm ! That is nasty stuff - having said that he is feeling better quicker than last time but then the big pink tablets probably have not kicked in yet !! Hope you are holding up there - think and speak of you often.
Lyn xxx
Brilliant news!!!!!!!
Praying for it to continue
Best wishes
Hi Lyn and Nielsen
Thats fantastic news. Wishing you all the best.
Kind Regards
Hi Lyn and Nielson
Wishing you all the very best, it is such wonderful news. Keeping on keeping on we are all with you
Big hug
Edwina x
Lyn & Nielson, this is wonderful news so very pleased for both of you. Wishing you all the best.
Chrissy & Butch
Just wanted to say - hugs,fellowship,thoughts and thanks to you all - you keep us going through the dark times and rejoice with us at the good - would not be doing half as well without you x
hello,havent posted for a while.I have not been diagnosed with anything serious.just congenital hh and short osephagus with osphigitis.last had second endoscopy 3 years ago,they were on about menemetry if symptoms persist. been having problems with eating,lot of pain in upper abdomen,holding my stomach . went to gp,he said should have another endoscopy,has anyone else had this sort of thing ? thankyou . have other health issues ehler danlos syndrome,and dont feel I could go through procedure again. have complan for dietary needs as at times cant eat .

Hi there - I think in order to get the best response to your question you need to re-post as a new question rather than the response to an ongoing topic - am sure you would get more answers that way. All the best.
Fantastic news its so good when you hear some positive news
All the best to you both.
Great to hear some good news, good luck with the chemo
Take care Liz
So pleased for you both....please remember that this is not an exact science and we so often see results that can confound normal expection .... Keep the hope...stay positive
Best wishes
Dear Lyn & Nielsen
I think we can all relate to the feeling of waiting for the results it is absolute torture but forgotton when the outcome is good. We are so happy for you both that is wonderful news and we will pray for it to continue.
Love to you both
Caterina & Paolo
Hi both - certainly a bit of a roller coaster at the moment - hoping for more ups than downs ! How are you guys doing ?
Lyn x
i have just heard your good news and am delighted for you both.Over 7 years ago a relative of my brothers family was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer but unfortunately where the tumour was situated she could not have the operation.Instead she was given intense chemo and radiation over a period of time.. That was 7 years ago and she is stil here and doing well so the future is not as break as we sometimes feel
All the best to you both.