Anyone had surgery involving keyhole.... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Anyone had surgery involving keyhole. Looking for information on the outcome.

I was talking to a surgeon in Southampton a few months ago, and he said that their local studies had concluded that the longer term results were about even.
Keyhole takes longer, is more expensive in terms of surgical kit, and has had some issues around the 'learning curve' of making sure the joints are effective, but I think as experience has increased, these issues have probably receded. Some surgeons do value the 'feel' of the body that they can achieve through conventional surgery. Post-op recovery seems to be quicker with keyhole (but what has been done inside your body does not change). It is not a dramatically better technique for this surgery as it might be for some operations on other parts of the body, but people do believe that it represents surgical progress.
The important thing is for your surgeon to use the method that they have most confidence in for your particular circumstances.
If it were me, I would simply ask the surgeon to use their best judgement and use the technique that they would want for their own nearest and dearest. The answer will be different according to the surgeon, their training, experience and, perhaps, their age.
My hubby had keyhole surgery for Stage 1 cancer in Nov 2011, a year ago - he had smoked all his life and had packed up a EXACTLY 1 year to the day when they told him he had cancer! He had keyhole surgery by a brilliant surgeon at Addenbrookes Hospital - surgery went 100% well, but unfortunately as he had COPD he had breathing problems, which extended his stay quite a bit - needless to say that 12 months on he has had his 1 year check up and is fine - only scars to see are where the drains were because he had them so long - still working on the 'eating' front but 90% of days very good - he lost loads of weight but needed to anyway! - he has put a stone back on and overall is doing very well (61 in a months time) - Hope all goes well for you - main thing is to learn your new 'piping system' for yourself but keyhole lessens the trauma to the body and leaves you able to deal with the rest easier.