Any other solution to "possible" low ... - Oesophageal & Gas...

Oesophageal & Gastric Cancer

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Any other solution to "possible" low grade oesophagal and stomach cancer

medway profile image
5 Replies

I am due to have an oesophagal and stomach removal operation in a few weeks but I may not have cancer! I had a GIST removed from my stomach with "T1 ?? at worst" in the GIST.Other patholgy results on samples taken are 'unclear'. As there is a possibilty of cancer deep in the stomach lining I am being advised to have the op. My oesophagus has barretts disease which I think can be treated by halo ablation. Halo ablation cannot be done on the stomach, at least as far as I know and in the UK.

In the case of very early cancer if at all in the stomach wall, is there any other treatment such as radiation or anything else? Can the stomach be 'scraped' and a pathology check? In the UK or elsewhere for any treatment?

This is a terribly hard decision to make to have the op.

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medway profile image
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5 Replies
shamrock profile image

I had a similar thing which I was told was T1 in my oesphagus. I had the op and then the biopsy turn.ed out to be T3

It is avery big op so the decision needs to be right.

Had the op 5 months ago

We are not medically qualified!

Surgeons give their advice to you on their best judgement about what is right for your future health. Sometimes further, or different types of scan might clarify the situation depending upon how much has been done already.

The priority for cancer surgery is to catch it early simply because your chances of a successful outcome diminish very rapidly the later it is left undiagnosed.

Your situation is explained to you by the surgeon who explains why they are giving you the advice. They apply their professional judgement on the basis of the facts and results of scans etc. Some people who are troubled in this situation ask for a second opinion, but ultimately it is not a good thing to disregard medical advice.

medway profile image
medway in reply to

I agree with all you say Alan but have I got cancer? "T1 ?? at worst" pathology result is not a definite conclusion. If it said T1 then that is conclusive.Another pathology report said "unclear". The surgeon at the OPA meeting saturday suggested I do not rush into a decision as I have time (I hope). He has suggested I contact him which I am going to do for a second opinion. I'm due to have the op mid October.

JohnS1 profile image

A direct answer to your question is “Not to my knowledge.”

Your decision is difficult and been raised a number of times by Barretts patients at Support Groups and OPA meetings around Manchester over the last 8 years When you feel quite well and will not necessarily develop cancer it’s hard to volunteer yourself to a serious operation that will have unpredictable consequences. This could tempt you to leave matters and see if anything develops.

On the other hand, you seem to have two areas of risk, stomach Gist and Barretts, so potentially your risk is greater than with Barretts alone, this could persuade you in favour of surgery.

Your surgeon has recommended the surgery based on his findings as Alan points out but a further opinion would be helpful in making a decision. From what you say the surgeon at the OPA meeting recommended waiting as he thought you still had time to choose. That could be construed as a rough second-opinion and there could be merit in another independent one.

I hope the above is of some support.

medway profile image
medway in reply to JohnS1

Thanks for your reply. Its a difficult decision and I will have to have the op.

But, for people who may just have Barretts my investigation and a meeting with a different surgeon has shown that if you have Barretts in the Oesophagus ONLY, halo ablation is an option. Its being done in the UK now. A search in the worldwide web suggests that outside the UK, halo is being done on T1 for the oesophagus and stomach. My surgeon in the UK said "maybe in a few years". Maybe this treatment has not been proven on T1.

The problem with T1 is as we know, it may only be on the surface and worse below the surface.

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