I received the following e-mail from Hertfordshire LINk. If anyone would like to contribute to the survey, please copy the link below into your browser.
Dear All
Peter Appleton is to be guest speaker at The Community Voice meeting in September 2012. He is Clinical Lead Business Manager of Choose and Book, Programme Directorate NHS Connecting for Health. He has emailed us to ask for our help with a new patient survey, from which I quote the following:
"Below is the link to a new patient survey that enables people to give their feedback on a range of options, covering their recent NHS hospital referral and appointment experience. It will be live for the next 2 or 3 weeks, and I’d be delighted if you are able to cascade this link via your networks, contacts, Bulletins, etc. The more people that take part in this quick survey the better the results will be.The survey will provide an opportunity for all patients to comment on their appointment booking experiences, whether or not they have used Choose and Book. The survey takes only a few minutes to complete and is available via the following link:
We will share the feedback from the survey with you."
I am sending this to our members and friends who we know have email, in the hope that they will be willing to participate if they have recently been referred to hospital.
All good wishes
Joan Davis
Chairman, The Community Voice