I've had chemoradiation for oesophogeal cancer which finished in June. I am still finding eating uncomfortable because of gastritis and feel I will never be able to eat out again. Has anyone else experienced this and maybe overcome it?
Side effects i: I've had chemoradiation... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Side effects i

Hi there, have you had the surgery as well ?
Hi Angelique, I had 5 weeks of radio(5days/wk) and one chemo dose/wk for 5wks. Eating became very difficult for the final week and for about 10 - 14 days afterwards. Also had constant ache and burning sensation at the focus of radiation. Symptoms ended shortly after & then had surgery . I would guess that your higher radiation doses probably exacerbated those types of symptoms. It’s early days yet for you so allow yourself time. I also assume you’re taking proton pump inhibitor . I’ve had to double my daily dose to ease associated gastritis. Discuss with your consultant. S/he will advise appropriately. Good luck with your ongoing journey and advocate for yourself.
hi. Fraid i can’t comment on the gastritis, I am impressed that you feel up to eating out! I am currently having chemoradio, no surgery to follow, may I ask how you are doing?
It's been a tough journey. Still is, but the horrendous fatigue is lifting a bit now, so I can do a bit more like go for a short walk, tidy up a bit at home etc. I haven't dared to eat out yet - I just want to be able to!Wishing you all the best.
I should have told you - I saw my oncologist in Thursday and he says the treatment has worked, so fingers crossed for you.
Hi i am on the last cycle of Chemo with 8 days left of Radio in total 4 cycles of Chemo 12 weeks and 25 days radio i can not have surgery due at previous issues and have squamous cell cancer is this similar to what you had and if possible what was your staging and great to here it as been successful
My staging was T3/4N1M0. Your treatment sounds similar although the last chemo treatment was abandoned because of a DVT. The side effects are still with me though and eating is still very difficult - and limited. Hope your treatment has been successful.
Thanks for this i have not even asked for my staging they mentioned T3/4 as did not know if pressing or in the trachea i have a very dilated oesophagus due to achalasia at a younger age and have had 0 side affects from treatment don't like to mention this as I know others have suffered
How long since your treatment and have you had a complete response
Sorry for all the questions but great to have someone so close to what i am going through
It's 7 months since treatment finished. I had a scan and endoscopy 3 months after the end of treatment which were clear. I think the side effects are worse because I had a higher dose of radiation on the Scope2 trial.
Thanks for this and amazing you are doing well except the side effects are you doing anything special in regards to diet or extra exercise or just getting on with life as much as possible
Hii.. it is better to consult your health care team. My wife had undergone chemoradiation and total esophagectomy .
Post which she was able to digest almost everything in small quantities.
May b you should explore more with different foods and eventually your body will adjust.
Have faith everything will be fine.
Hi Angelique just checking on your progress i am now 3 weeks post treatment bloods looked good but i now have to wait 8 weeks for my first scan i am eating normal meals anything i like which surprise me but some cold drinks cause a little pain in the chest just hoping for a positive scan result
Sounds as though you are doing really well. My radiotherapy has resulted in a structure in my oesophagus which means I can only have a liquid diet. May have to have dilatation or a stent.
I am sorry to here that hopefully dilation or a stent will sort the issue have you had any more scans or consultations as you previously stated that you had a complete response will all things clear which is amazing in itself
Hi Angelique wanted to check in and see how you were doing with your stricture and in general
I have my fist scan on the 22nd April and then my consultancy appointment on the 9th May hoping for the best.
I'm feeling much better in myself now, and although a consultant gastroenterologist told me I would have to have a liquid diet after my last endoscopy, another consultant was more optimistic. My oesophagus is only 3/4 cm wide because of scar tissue, but I can eat pureed or minced meals which is real progress. I do hope your appointments go well.
I assume the scar tissue is from the Radiotherapy i have noticed a strange tingling feeling when having cold drinks but this as only just developed some 10 weeks after my treatment finished do you still feel that food is not passing and is there any pain at all
I am very pleased that you are feeling much better and i assume your endoscopy showed no signed of the cancer ???
You're right - it is scar tissue causing the stricture, so it's unlikely to change. I just have to get used to the new normal. No cancer though, so I count my blessings. When I swallow anything I am aware that it is going through the narrow opening, but it's not painful, just a bit uncomfortable. I sometimes have to wait after a few mouthfuls for things to feel settled. I haven't had any tingling - I can eat ice cream with no problem. It may be a delayed effect of the radiotherapy - new things can crop up weeks, months, or even years after treatment has finished.
Hi Angelique just checking in on how you are doing i have had my second scan now 6 months after my treatment as finished and all good hope you are doing ok and the swallowing as eased.
Glad all is well after your scan. I'm still struggling with my new normal but we did manage a few days away last week - self-catering - which was nice. I'm actually seeing a clinical psychologist to help me come to terms with my limitations regarding food - not sure if it's helping yet.🤞