A few months ago I posted about the difficulties I was having post oesophagectomy surgery last November and the discomfort I felt every day as I ate anything. Just an update, it was discovered that there is a kink further down the digestive system between the duodenum and jujunem and that's slowing everything up. I undergo surgery on Thursday to try to correct it. I'm scared it won't work but I couldn't carry on in pain all the time. Has anyone else had similar issues and what were the results?
Oesophagectomy, further surgery - Oesophageal & Gas...
Oesophagectomy, further surgery

Wishing you all the very best for your surgery. Trust in your medics they will sort things out for you. Best wishes for a successful outcome and being able to get back to a much better place health wise.
Hope it goes well. No chance of correcting via endoscopic means eg with a stent? Needs actual surgery, keyhole I presume?
Hi Brett77, yes surgery needed because it's further down on the bend where duodenum is. They are opening up the v section where the scar is from oesophagectomy under the ribs. I'll be in hospital a week to 10 days. The consultant sounded positive about the outlook so I'm hanging onto that. Thanks for your good wishes
let us know how you get on, my best wishes to you
Hi there hope all goes well and you can start to feel better again.
Thinking of you xx
all the best to you xx