If I try to do anything within an hour or so of eating no matter how little I.ve eaten I become breathless and need to sit down. Does anyone else have this problem ? If I try to walk anywhere I feel awful. It passes after about an hour.
Breathing: If I try to do anything... - Oesophageal & Gas...
hi Molly , yes I don't really eat at all during the day if I'm doing anything as I get dizzy breathless and foggy. I put it down to dumping and it will go with dextrose but I do feel exhausted. It's a 50/50 chance of it happening. It's been going on for years now ,
Thanks for your reply liz . I also eat very little during the day I tend to eat more in the evening when I just sit down and do nothing after. Can I also ask you how long do you wait after eating before you have a drink I usually wait at least half an hour but even then sometimes I feel really sick and because the drinks gone down OK I haven't felt ill till about ten minutes after I then feel grotty for up to an hour .

I'm not sure as I fall asleep within half an hour of eating and wake up normally about 3 hours later. My son says it's almost impossible to wake me I do feel generally yuk and sometimes have severe stomach cramps and diarrhoea which are incapacitating, especially i if I drink with my meal. I do drink a lot of tea all day long to compensate not drinking with my meal. I take ginger ale or ginger water to bed and sip that during the night.
O gosh liz that must be awful for you falling asleep I do sometimes feel sleepy after eating and may fall asleep for half an hour but three hours is a long time and a big chunk out of the day. I had half a toasted bagel two hours ago and half a cup of tea an hour ago and I.m just waiting for the sickly feeling to wear off I can't do anything till its passed. Thanks for getting back to me x

A bagel can be difficult to digest

Eating in the evening is a no no, tea is full of acid also
Hi Molly
I am exactly the same I am 12 years since Op I cannot drink with food if I eat late I cannot sleep however I dose and feel very uncomfortable. Stomach pains are also a nuisance + Diarrhoea. Also I take Dextrose sometimes as I feel hot and faint that helps. When I have eaten I feel tired so try and do everything before I eat. I hope this does not sound negative but I am so pleased to still be here as I have four grandchildren who were born following my surgery and my cancer was stage 4 and I survived this long so I am very grateful.
Take care Molly xxxxx
Thanks for replying I also feel tired after eating and the same as you try to do anything that needs doing before I eat as I feel uncomfortable for at least an hour after eating. I feel better knowing how I feel is normal following the op we.ve had. Take care
hi Molly, yes I’ve experienced all of this. I’m only 2 years 4 months post surgery. I find what I eat makes a huge difference. I went gluten free last October and the breathless feeling has almost disappeared. I used to get terrible bloating and that has gone. Also oats are a no no! I said to my consultant that some foods seem to sit in my stomach, swell and that feels like it’s pressing on my wind pip. S I can’t take full breath. He said that’s exactly what’s happening. I hope you can some relief from this. I used to get so worked up over it and that exhausted me. I rarely eat after 7pm. Xxxxxxx
Thanks for your reply. I think I.m going to try going gluten free to see if it helps.i.m the same as you with oats really bloated so I stopped eating them. Take care .

it’s worth trying.. I can’t tell you how much better I feel. I didn’t try replacement foods for 6 months (bread) but is you want to M&S I’ve found the best. Xx