My Brother in law is staying with us and has just this week been diagnosed with orophayngeal cancer, they say it started in his tonsils. We have been told the tumour is too big to operate on and they did say something about lymph nodes. We didn't take it all in as it was a bit of a shock. We are at the hospital tomorrow as they are having an MDT meeting, they will then speak to us. Has anyone got any advice please on what this means, and what to expect. Thank you, Gina
Advice please: My Brother in law is... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Advice please

I’m sorry your brother in law has had this news. The Multi Disciplinary Team (Oncologist, Surgeon, GI Specialist and others) will discuss options having assessed and agreed the state and staging of the cancer. Size, location and type of tumour and how much spreading (metastasis) has taken place to local lymph nodes and perhaps other organs. They will then agree a course of treatment - chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery or a combination and other issues such as further diagnostic tests (CT Scan, Pet Scan, etc) medication and diet. This will all be explained to you by your consultant. Do ask lots of questions and take notes if you accompany him as sometimes it can all be a bit overwhelming for the patient. My wife or brother (a doctor) always accompanied me to ensure we understood everything that was being said. Your brother in law will hopefully be given a nurse specialist and a dietician to whom he can call and ask questions at any time. With cancer nothing is ever easy for the patient or the relatives but your presence will be a great help so well done you in getting your self prepared. Best wishes.
Thank you for your reply, it is most appreciated. We went today, the results were P16 positive, T4N2AMO, there is a nodule on the lung which they are monitoring. He will be having radiotherapy, the problem is he has some bad teeth and they said they need to remove them before treatment starts. So they seemed positive and said they were looking for cure. He has a Macmillan nurse who we will be seeing next Friday, she is helping him with emergency housing etc, has he has split with his partner that is why he is with us at the minute. He is only small and weighs 7 st, so they are hoping to keep that weight or put on some, they say he needs to be as fit as possible for Radiotherapy. Speech and language have given him some booklets to help with foods he can swallow better etc. So hopefully though it is going to be a long road ahead, it seems as positive as it could be .
Well done Gina. That’s sounds very positive. His diagnosis is for a different carcinoma than the one I had so I must be wary of advising too much but one thing is his fitness. I walked and walked and walked and listened to the radio on headphones whilst working. Improved my cardio fitness, sleeping, eating, breathing and strength as well as helping my mental health. Great to have this lovely weather and plenty of fresh hair. Encourage him to walk. Best wishes to you all.
just an update, my brother in law still hasn't had his treatment yet, he has had the gastrostomy ready for treatment starting. When they did the head and shoulder mould, they should have done scan at the same time but for some reason didn't. So he has to go on Wednesday for that and treatment has been put back to the 17th July. Will this affect his cancer, will it spread anymore whilst he isn't being treated, I know you may not have the answers but we can't help worrying that this could be a possiblity. thank you again for your replies, it is most appreciated.
To be honest I don’t know. Getting a patient ready for treatment is a complicated process and I hope his starts soon. The sooner the better.