I have a long standing Hiatus hernia, does any body know of any good exercises to do to strengthen the oesphagal muscles and diaghragm? Also what about any holistic natural remedies?
Hiatus hernia and GERD treatment - Oesophageal & Gas...
Hiatus hernia and GERD treatment
1. Search the the following in YouTube to strengthen the diaphragm and correct the hiatal hernia;
- Heal drop
- Pam Fox hiatal hernia
- Diaphragm breathing exercises
- Goto Iqoro.com. They sell a device to do the above as well. It's very expensive at £145.
You could also see help from a chirpractor to help you with the above.
Really great info thanks, I know about the Iqoro it is expensive but I am considering it, thanks again
It is amazing you mention exercises then somebody links you to something mega expensive - maybe helpful . Gosh it sounds like me who was put on a cocktail of prescription drugs some of which read horror stories of long term use but stopped me from making GP appointments until I could bare it no more . Until you suffer from this you really won't know what hits us . Finally after drugs , endoscopes , tubes down my nose with monitors = a sort of cruel Krypton Factor I finally had 5 hour Nissan surgery . Promised an overnight bed I shuffled out at about 10.30pm as there wasn't one but hey - after a month of liquid diet then soft foods and actually shedding 18kg I am a new person . Aged 61 I changed jobs , work full time , still enjoying a decent 12 mile walk , cycling , swimming , Zumba as my knees now bend and my back doesn't ache . In short you need to moan , mither and push . I will be honest - it doesn't go away . My diet is now healthier . I do find this op was like a gastric band as you do eat less and feel full but if you eat decent non processed foods and no thick chunks of meat , white gluey bread then all else slips down a treat .