Just wondering if anyone after esophagectomy surgery had vocal chord damage due to breathing tube. I have also had 9 dilations due to leakage at surgery which caused scar tissue in the past year. If so what was the remedy? Thank you.
Vocal chord issues: Just wondering if... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Vocal chord issues

Hi, I had a paralysed vocal chord for nearly 3 months after Oesophagectomy due to breathing tube - I couldn’t talk very well and had to tilt my head every time I had anything to drink or I would choke - it was very unpleasant - my nurse arranged for me to see ENT department where they put a camera down my nose and had a look - they suggested injections to help unlock it - I didn’t need them though as when I went back for my post op chemo I ended up in hospital for 10 days as I couldn’t stop being sick - the vocal chord unlocked itself due to the wrenching - I remember the joy of being able to drink a cup of tea properly - I would speak to your specialist nurse about it - good luck
I recall after my oesophagectomy the surgeon voicing some concerns about my vocal chords and suggesting I be referred to the speech therapist. I think they planned to do a camera investigation as Molly14 mentioned. My voice did sound different....more gravelly . I didn't have particular trouble swallowing and it seemed to rectify itself . I wasn't too keen on having tubes up my nose so I was pleased they decided to adopt a wait and see how I felt policy. All o.k. now. Hope your situation is soon resolved.
Hi there. I had vocal chord problems for about 9 months. Mine was due to the actual surgery. For the first two weeks after surgery I could not speak at all...only whisper. The consultant was worried he had damaged nerve as the oesophageal join was really high up in my neck. I wasn't worried as I was just grateful to be ok. Anyway, as all the swelling sorted itself out so did the vocal chords and I returned to normal.
Hi - just to add on to my post above - when I talked I had shortness of breath
I lost my voice while waking up from exhumation in ICU after ECMO. But fortunately that was temporary.
2 years post surgery still have sometimes slurred words in between and some times badly pronounced words which have difficult pronunciation, as well overall sound much quieter.
In the past year I had a esophagectomy and triple bypass. Then every month since August I have a dilation due to scar tissue from leak so I have tubes inserted every month also. They think voice change and shortness of breathe might be part of vocal cord issues. Will know next month.