Hi has anyone had op after being diagnosed at t3 n2 mx ?
Operation : Hi has anyone had op after... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Yes, I was diagnosed T3 N2 (6 nodes) and had an eosophogastroectomy in early May after 2 rounds of ECX then 2 rounds with Herceptin.
Post op I was reclassified as T3 N0.
What would you like to know?
There has been no difference to me being able to eat still on ng tube for nutrition ,waiting for a ct scan prior to op hopefully ,mind just wondering if chemo has done anything at all ,thoughts all over the place at mo ,how long ago was your op and have you had any problems after
Regards Donna
I saw no improvement in swallowing during pre-op chemo, if anything it got slightly worse, probably due to scarring of the tumor.
I was able to eat enough (just) to avoid having a tube prior to the op, but they put a j-tube in during the op, and I've just had it removed 4 months post op.
My CT scans showed the tumor had actually grown sightly during chemo, I had all sorts of bad thoughts floating about in my head. However, during the op they saw scarring on one of my lungs suggesting the cancer had spread but killed back by the chemo...so I'm very grateful I had it.
Hang in there, it's a crappy journey but 4 months post op I'm able to do most things I could before, but just have less energy and need to be careful about how much I eat in a sitting. Hopefully this will improve with time.