Any tips people on how to move things along faster down the esophogus /gullet to stop the mucus piling on top and making things (pain n shortness of breath) a whole lot worse some days it won’t come either up or down it’s terrifying, any help please thank you
Moving things through the gullet quicker - Oesophageal & Gas...
Moving things through the gullet quicker

Hello, I hope you are well? I’ve had two ‘dilations’ and that helped. They sedate you (don’t do like I did the first time and just have the throat spray). Pass a tube down your throat to the bottom of your stomach. Blow a balloon up to stretch it open more. That worked about 25% each time x
Thank you John x
You are very welcome. It's very very frustrating for me. The 2 things i LOVE in the world (apart from my family) .... FOOD & DRINK. Now I'm eating just a 1/4 of what I used to. Arghhhhhh Still.... Lost 3 stone..... Every cloud lol
As John says you can have a dialation, there are also various medicines that help with the movement of food through the gullet, sometimes a fizzy drink helps especially if it’s wind trapped ( I never knew how much air could cause a problem before I had an IL) Also pineapple or papaya juice both of which can help with digestion.
Walking around letting gravity move the food down sometimes works but can bring on dumping.
Or just sometimes smaller portions for a while, and remembering to chew.
Even 8 years on I still find I forget and then do a few days of small portions and chewing properly seems to get me back in rhythm.
Talk to your CNS and see what she suggests too.
Hugs Lizzy
Good advice Liz. 8 years eh? How is that? I make all sorts of hic uppy type noises. Also, if i drift off to sleep.... a very strange gurgling/snoring type noise lol x
it’s a learning curve all the time. You find as time passes your gut relearns more and more. For the first few years things changed regularly. Now it’s more if I have a really busy week or get over tierd, then my gut is the first to complain and decide it’s not going to work. But life is good. I can go to restaurants and eat and enjoy the food with a glass of wine. Dumping is an occupational hazard, but I know how to sort it these days and recognise it before it really causes a problem. If I eat a big meal I also make lots of amazing gurgley noises, and it feels really odd.
Take care and have fun. Cheers Lizzy
Hi Liz thanks for your encouraging reply I’ve been vomiting mucus for two years solid now and only just found out it’s my gullet that’s the problem as I have bronchiectasis everyone has been passing the book n blaming that but suddenly I feel I can’t breath and have to dash to loo or a giant burp very unladylike but like you say I’m learning to spot the signs do you have the breathing issues xx thanks carol
hi carol is it causing you to be sick also are you diabetic i have problems swallowing and was found to be caused slow movement of food in gut its called gastroparasis it was found when i had endoscope due to sickness they said i had eaten b4 endoscope which i hadn't then someone twiged it something called vegus nerve not doing its job and food not emptying from tum and causing probs took them 3yrs to find out so its only soups and mushed up food small portions its worth looking into i was being sick daily start middle end of meals horrible i dont feel unwell in fact its helping loosing weight not ideal but thier you go
hi carol how do you have your food solid have you tried it mushed to get it down liquids i know it sounds awful but do they do some kind of feeding tube or is not that easy
I paul I have been wrongly diagnosed for so long with this for years consultant kept saying it was the nature of the beast being my copd bronchiectasis, only found out last year that I had jackhammer esophogus thus my gullet is not working properly I can’t have an op know as I am too ill to tolerate it, but the vomiting is nearly killing me anyway, I’ve had very little support regarding the regurgitate of food only what I’m learning for myself on this site, I’m sorry to say, I take panteprazole and donperidone also 5g morphine sulphate to help with the breathing side of it, when I vomit it’s like clear thick liquid or lumps of gel is this the norm, I know it’s different from any mucus I might bring up if I have a chest infection, at the moment it’s happening nearly all day my life is so miserable, thanks so much for your help x carol
oh carol wish i could say something to help you give you an tender hug lets hope theres something or someone to help you is your weight holding up are they trying anything different for you
Hi paul I was losing weight fast but managing to stay around seven n half stone which isn’t too bad for me I’m only 5-2 so , they gave me drinks high in protein to help inbetween meals but other than that no help whatsoever some on the medical staff have never even heard of it !! Another thing is I can constantly feel something at the back of my throat most of the time is this all in keeping with the symptoms thanks x
i dont want to keep on at you but are thry looking throughout country or even abroad for help
They just sent me away withe the panteprazole and donperidone plus the morphine sulphate for the pain to take the edge off, and said there is really nothing further can be done but manage it as best I can !, beggars belief really, I have recently emailed a respitory professor who has a high knowledge of upper gi problems in patients such like myself with lung issues so I’m hoping for a response, I would be happy to pay private if I could find a surgeon who would help me at present it is ruining my life it’s out of control, the vomiting episode can last hours and really wear me out... xx
i hope he replies to you carol with some good news or a least an appointment are you having physio for it have you googled it carol see if anything new there you most probably done most of it yourself but may b worth look carol
Me too paul, it’s amazing how such a life threatening thing can be so unknown to a lot of our medical people I’m so worried all the time and that doesn’t help either thanks x
carol i honestly dont know what to say to you you sound a beautiful person can i ask have you plenty help at home with family friends and some that could help looking on internet for new treatments if i am prying to much sorry only want the best for you
Your very kind , I’m just looking for people with same symptoms on here in the hopes I get some tips every little helps or so they say , I keep looking on the internet too my biggest problem is I’m not well enough at the moment to withstand an operation but I won’t give in easily ...thank you x
i understand carol and you got the spirit so try to get better as best you can and hope you could message me if you want on how you are please i would like that but we have to challenge this horrible thing god bless carol
I had a similar problem but have approached it in a different way. For several months I have not been able to eat well particularly in the morning. I can feel the mucus running down the back of my throat. Before I can eat I had to be sick to get rid of the mucus. I concluded that this excessive mucus must be preventing me from eating. So I have taken some antibiotics to clear an infected sinus which I think was causing the mucus. The infection has now cleared up over the last two weeks and my eating has improved a lot. At least I'm not sick anymore trying to remove the mucus before I can eat. It may be worth a try. I hope this helps. Nigel
Thanks Nigel I’m exactly the same I have an appointment with ent in the morning for help with this it’s terrifying experience vomiting all that horrendous slime pre food but if I don’t I can’t breath then things will neither move up or down do you take donperidone at all, I take that and carbocystien capsules I don’t know what’s doing me good anymore the stuff I can feel running down my throat gross, thanks carol