Hi can anyone tell me if chemo regime EOF made them feel worse on the 2nd cycle. My hubby has just had the 2nd “full” dose and he feels so grim... he felt very ill on the first cycle but this time he also has very stiff legs as well as the sickness, and the toes and fingers tingling/hurting. He says it feels as if everything is shutting down. We are worried about calling the clinic as there is a chance they will stop the treatment and we have already been told that this is his last chance ...
Chemo : Hi can anyone tell me if chemo... - Oesophageal & Gas...

Hi, sorry to hear about your hubby's problems, as you've probaly heard several times, everyone is different when it comes to chemo, but if it's any consolation, I felt worse with each cycle. Please do engage with the clinic though; this is very important. The drugs used are very powerful and are capable of causing significant harm, cancer aside. As you will be aware, your health care providers will take bloods before each chemo session to see whether your hubby has had any severe reaction to the previous cycle that prevents them giving the same drugs and the same doses again which could result in worsening of his condition. Whereas they could discuss the possibility of stopping, if this were the case they could also suggest an off-label alternative - however, they will try to stick with the tried and tested regimen for this particlar cancer wherever possible and will consider a reduction in the dose of one or more of the agents and/or a delay in treatment before the next cycle to facilitate recovery (sounds like your hubby is having problems with oxaliplatin - tingling, and possibly epirubicin - circulation? - as an aside oxaliplatin is normally given when the physician thinks that cisplatin [considered to be generally more aggressive] might not be tolerated). It is important that the clinic knows what symptoms are being experienced because this together with the blood results this give them the clearest picture of your hubby's ability to tolerate the current treatment without causing significant harm. Your hubby's sickness should be manageable and talking to the clinic about it will help them decide whether he needs antiemetic medication if he is not already on some between cycles (not just during the infusion and just after) or stronger antimetic medication (e.g. ondansetron, aprepitant, levomepromazine, olanzapine etc.).
I hope this helps,
All the best
Hi DavidP,
Thanks for your response. The very first regime my husband was on was ECF but after just one treatment the Cisplatin affected his tinnitus severely. Seven months, two other regimes (no effect at all), 10 sessions of radiotherapy, and several PET-CT scans later we are in the last chance saloon and praying that EOF will work. On the first cycle he was very unwell for the first 4 days, and then just got better and better and was so much better he decided it was worth having the 2nd cycle. The reaction this time has been different in that last time he didnt have the tingling lips or the stiff legs. Our oncologist agreed to the EOF but the doctors and pharmacists in the actual chemo unit didnt think my husband should have it and questioned the decision on the first cycle, hence our reluctance to make them aware. We are acutely aware that he is running out of options..
Hi tejags6,
Yes, I was down for 3 sessions of EOX the second was a lot lot worse than the first, when I went to see the Oncologist prior to the 3rd session he took one look at me and cancelled the third session, I had 6 weeks of sitting on the toilet for hours on end, feeling terrible, needing to wrap up when I went out even in the sunshine, sleeping when not on the loo, had it not been for the encouragement of my wife I would have packed it all in.
Our best wishes to you both.
Jeff & Helen
The cure for the tingling in the outer parts of the body ie; the feet and hands is vitamin B12, it cured me straight away when I had it. As usual the Oncologist waited until it was full blown before deciding to prescibe me them. Also, it was a really high dose he prescribed, so high that I went back and queried him about it.
I didn't complete the 2nd round of chemo, a few weeks after the Op I went in for the 1st dose of chemo in the arm and afterwards I was so bad I spent another 5 days in hospital with all kind of problems, a bit like you have mentioned. If it gets really bad they can reduce the dose, but I weighed up the probabilities and odds and decided the 2nd chemo could actually be detrimental to my well being so I knocked it on the head. 2 years on I'm doing ok.