Hello, this is our first post. My husband had IL 5 weeks ago. He suffered a broken rib through this and after a pretty rough first few weeks started feeling better. However he has felt nausea the whole time but the last week has started vomiting. There doesn’t seem to be a pattern, generally always after eating even though is hardly eating anything but is sick any time of day/night. He was on a lot of pain relief but has now cut out the oramorph and tramadol and now just on paracetamol. He takes omeprazol but also has Crohn’s disease and is taking his regular meds for that too. Sorry for the long post but does anyone have any idea why this is happening or advice? Thanks.
Sickness: Hello, this is our first post... - Oesophageal & Gas...
This must be related to his crones disease, nausea is not a normal long-term IL problem, you really should get some medical advice, either the surgical team, your GP or preferably both. Good luck. After six months I am really feeling much better - don't give up.
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Nausea is not uncommon. It might be related to how the food can pass through the 'new' stomach, and it might be that the pyloric sphincter, at the bottom of the stomach, needs stretching. I can imagine that the Crohn's disease might be a complication in so far as it is always likely to be better when the whole digestive system is working the best it can, but this is unqualified speculation on my part. I am not sure how the medication for this would relate to, say, any anti-nausea medication that could be prescribed, but your best bet is to get an appointment through the specialist nurse. It does not sound at all cancer-related, by the way. Sometimes the system does react to all the surgical trauma it has been through and takes longer to settle down, but that does not make it any easier to cope with when you are suffering.