Well here Iam again 4am and wracked in pain. Gp will not listen. I need help now. I'm existing not living. Had enough of this!!!!!
In agony again.....: Well here Iam... - Oesophageal & Gas...
In agony again.....
It is difficult to know what to say. I know what you are going through having been there myself. Just remember you are not alone. If you what to chat anytime please feel free to contact me. I don't live in the UK anymore so I'm 6 hours ahead of you that might help. Take care and be strong. Nigel
You have choices under the NHS. Research a specialist and tell or write to the GP you want to be referred to him/her. I gave my GP the name of two top surgeons, one local and one in London, that also operated under the NHS. My daughter, different condition, did the same. He has no choice but to refer you. In the short term, are you eating or drinking under two hours before you go to bed? Not a good idea. Also a good dose of Gaviscon might help. Hope this helps you. Don't give up, start fighting. xx
PLEASE go back to your GP and make a lot of noise!! You need help and you are clearly not getting it. You don't say where the pain is - or what kind of pain - but it is not right to be in agony at 4am. If you're in the UK, call an ambulance and get to A&E. This forum is handy for sharing experiences and getting tips, but we are not doctors and it's of no use in an emergency. Please do seek urgent medical treatment. All the best, Kate
Hi Kate it is a hiatus hernia I suffer from. No matter what I eat or drink it aggrevates my symptoms. I have had it for quite a few years but over the last month it has become more troublesome. I would not wish the pain on anyone
It sounds awful! I agree with Seagull. Ask for a referral to a specialist and ask for a second opinion. You are within your patient rights to request this. I am assuming the worst pain is at night? If so, have you tried raising the head of your bed? Amazon sell "elephants feet" bed raisers for this very purpose so they might be worth trying as a temporary measure. Nonetheless, don't keep quiet about it! All the best, Kate
Hey Boogaloo. I don’t live in the UK so I don’t know how the medical system works there, but I would not stay quiet. Keep searching for the doctor that will spend more time investigating your pain. I wish you well.
I have same thing and no one has an answer for me. I would be better off if I were not here its that bad.