So my mum is back on a breathing machine they think there is fluid on the lung .... I'm so worried she was so well on Friday not as good Saturday now on the machine today
Breathing : So my mum is back on a... - Oesophageal & Gas...

I hope and pray that you Mum will be feeling well soon.
Try not to worry too much many of us had setbacks initially or later on. My sister was amazed I was so well the day after my op (9years ago) but when my wife saw me the following day I looked bad on a machine etc due to the collapsed lung not working well but I'm still here. Hope all goes well for you both and remember to take care of yourself too as everyone focuses on those having the op not those caring for us
Thank u they said there seems to be a leak somewhere as there's loads of fluid coming out from some where .... Ct scan results are back my sister on her way up to find out I can't go they said they can't say anything over the phone
Sorry to hear that Calboy. That's exactly what happened to my husband 3 days after his op. He had another chest drain inserted and antibiotics but was ok within a few days. You say your mum is on the "breathing machine". Do you mean an actual ventilator which is breathing for her? My husband didn't have that - just an oxygen mask.
Do let us know how your mum gets on please. Hopefully, this is a bump in the road which sometimes happens and she'll soon be feeling better. Thinking of you. Kate
Hi Kate my mum is on a ventilator she pretty much had to have the surgery again which they said they don't usuall perform on some one who is in entesive care still so had the have the lung calapsed again ... She will be in a induced coma for a few days but she will be in hospital for months after this set bk
Oh dear - I'm so sorry to hear that. My thoughts and prayers are with you all x
Is that not what they did your end Kate ? X
No, not the same. My husband went back to theatre to have a drain inserted into the pleural cavity which surrounds the lung to drain off the fluid. His lung wasn't collapsed for this and he was given oxygen via a mask as his lungs weren't working enough to get oxygen into his system. The stent was inserted into the oesophagus where the join was leaking. He stayed on oxygen for about 5 days until another scan showed the fluid in the pleural cavity had gone down. Then the drain was removed. The stent stayed in for about 4 weeks (although he could eat/drink with it in and hardly noticed it). It was then removed in outpatients via an endoscope tube.
What has happened to your mum sounds very different and it must be very worrying for you and your family. Thinking of you, Kate x
It's very strange it sounds exactly the same so I'm not sure why they had to operate again for a further 3 hours to put the stent in...
You need to ask them. Also, why she's been put on a ventilator in a medically induced coma. Perhaps her join leak was more serious. There are so many variables with this awful disease and how it's treated and managed, that it's impossible to compare one person with another. Do keep asking questions though! Unless you are in the medical profession yourself (as I was) or have doctors as relations (as we do), it is even more frightening. I am not trying to be patronising, but do ask the surgical team to explain everything to you in layman's terms and, if possible, try to ensure you have someone with you. There is always so much information to take in that it's very difficult for one person to do alone - especially in a distressed state. Take care, Kate
Calboy - just read your other post. My husband also had a leak in the join as well as fluid on his lung. Honestly - this is exactly what happened to him. So, when they inserted another drain in his lung, they also put in a temporary stent to act as a kind of internal pressure dressing on the join. All this + antibiotics + further scans + extra oxygen. It was a worrying time and did entail an extra week in hospital. He had the stent removed after 4 weeks (via an endoscopy), and is now having his post op chemo. There are still lots of ups and downs but - all things considered - he's not doing too badly (and he's 73). Try to stay positive and take things one day at a time. Best wishes, Kate
Sorry that things arent going smoothly. Will be praying for you x
Hope your Mum is better soon. My mum had fluid on her lung about 7 days after the op. They had to insert another drain, It was pretty traumatic for her. Thinking of you