Had another session of pain the other evening coming out of the blue as usual. The pain is in the stomach area where my ribs part. I had gaviston tablets by me and sucked two as I groped my way to the loo as knew my bowels were about to open. Everything was going black like with a fainting episode. The last time I had the pain, in December, I was shopping with my sister and she said the colour just drained from my face and was quite scary to look at.
I looked in the bathroom mirror this time and I saw myself DEAD. Not a scrap of colour was in my face which had sort of dropped. I always have high colouring and this was really scary. Within 15 minutes the pain had gone and it was if it had never happened.
I am wondering if this could be acute pancreatitis. Yes, I should be at the doc's but I completely forget the pain until it hits me again. Thank you for any comments