Hi there my dad is 3 mo post op still can't really eat or drink. He has been having these episodes of horrible stomach pain and then vomits to help relieve pain.' He's on reglan, took zofran I think it might be helping. The drs haven't gotten back to him I'm afraid he's not doing well. Anyone experience this ?
Stomach pain and vomitting - Oesophageal & Gas...
Stomach pain and vomitting

Hi. You really need to get in touch with the medical team. That's a must. They should be available at this stage in his recovery. Haward
They say everything he's doing is good. Not sure why he keeps vomitting
As Haward suggests, contact your surgical team. They've invested a great deal of time, energy - and money - into your Pa and will not spoil the ship for an ha'pworth of tar. They need to be informed if the treatment path isn't progressing according to plan. Try contacting your Macmillan caseworker(s) the first instance: I've found they respond pronto to email or telephone contact if there's a problem. It's a tough old road to recovery but your Dad can and will make it; but he needs and deserves the support of his consultant and team.
I would suggest he halves the amount of food. And, check to see if he has bile in his stomach. I had the same problem. Get some litmus paper test strips. He should lick one after vomiting. If it turns green then it is definitely bile. It only takes about 5 ml of bile in the stomach to cause the symptoms. I found taking a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in a Tumbler of soft drink helps. You need to remember that his stomach is now very small. I can only eat the equivalent of 1 slice of bread at a time. I hope this helps. Good luck.
Try this 1 1//2 tablespoon of apple cider vinager and 2 tablespoons of honey I have been to the moon and came back from obdomen pain docs don't know shit took every possible gi and internal med exams and Images they keep telling I'm good and I'm not I'm in pain every day so I turn to herbs spices and veggies and fruits and sardines it's helping better than the tide and ammonia and Clorox meds they are giving me don't think doctors and pharmacists are your friend they just delivering the pharmaceutical massage write prescreptions to make me the money and kill the patient start looking for good source of natural and herbal meds you will be cured because god brought sickness but also gave us the cure there is cure for every desease except death
Regards get well soon
Update drs advised my dad to go to er saying it's something mechanical since he hasn't kept anything Down for 4 days