Apologies for not introducing myself - I have been reading posts for 3 years! I am the wife of Brian who was diagnosed in February 2014 at the age of 66. I'm not great with technology but somehow stumbled my way to this site. My husband had almost reached the point of saying "what will be will be" after all his pre-op appointments, which emphasized all the potential problems and worse case scenarios, and to perhaps take his chances on having a final summer and bowing out. Thanks to OPA and all you kind and brave people I was able to convince him that there could be a good life after surgery.
The hospital was excellent whilst he was there, but after 2 months he was desperate to come home, and they I think wanted his bed. I found myself poorly prepared to look after someone who was still very weak and had so many issues with food and felt quite abandoned. He still had a wound from his tracheostomy (done to wean him off the large ventilator) and it took nearly 2 hours to get him up, showered and dressed. It helped so much to know that the problems he had were common and I think my "caring" education was conducted via this site!
He is now on 6 monthly checks and life is "normal" - he can eat, drive, fish and we can go on holidays. (If you need insurance we initially used "insure with".com and then their sister company "Holiday Safe" - both excellent).
I am a different person now - I know many carers/partners post here. It's not easy watching someone go through the process, and sometimes I think our needs are forgotten. I do know though that I can cope with anything after getting my husband through it all and that we have become a stronger couple for the experience.
My heartfelt thanks to you all for your part in our recovery.