Mine came on just as I was finishing post op chemo ,could be nothing to do with chemo ,maybe old age !
Care to share your experience ?
Mine came on just as I was finishing post op chemo ,could be nothing to do with chemo ,maybe old age !
Care to share your experience ?
It happened to me but I am not sure whether the operation brought it on. The diagnosis was that the cause was an industrial injury from many years ago and the trauma of the operation may have amplified it.
Yes, I had it also. Best not to think about it and should disappear
Hi i had a little bit before chemo from car accident, but it is alot worse now constant. Sometimes worse at night but told you cant take anything need to have other noise to block out.
Crumbs, it sounds like a lot of us suffer from it, I had a slight problem before but it has amplified greatly since my operation, and sometimes I can hear nothing else. A constant hiss like air escaping under pressure and then a metallic tik tik tik, almost constant. I hate it, and nothing can be done about it.
My mum's regimen was set up as EOX rather than ECX as she already had significant long term challenge with tinnitus and hearing loss.
My chemo was Cisplatin which has a bad reputation for causing Ototoxicity and the resultant tinnitus.
As has been described above there is an high pitched whistle with hissing ----they come and go in intensity for no discernible reason.
I don't find it too hard to ignore, but my wife gets fed up with having to shout sometimes. Certainly the loss of the high frequencies can make speech hard to decipher, particularly if there is a lot of background noise.
It's just another thing we have in common, exacerbated by the joys of getting old.....................but the other place would have been uncannily quiet!
I started with tinnitus 25 years ago and one thing the Oncologist told me was that chemo could make it worse. It has, but I am so used to it that it does not bother me unless the house is empty and when I go to bed. .However overall it is more of a nuisance than gives me any major problems.
Hi, not been on here for AGES,,, not got Tinitus,, but my hearing worse than ever since chemo???