Hi i have had a biodegradable stent fitted 2 weeks ago since procedure i have sevre chest pain and constantly feel nauseas , does anybody know how long i will be experiencing these symptoms ?
Oesophageal biodegradeable stent - Oesophageal & Gas...
Oesophageal biodegradeable stent

People can find these uncomfortable, particularly in the early stages, and I think it would be best to check back with the hospital so that they can check whether it might have slipped out of position. It might just be your system reacting adversely to something artificial implanted into your oesophagus, but it is a regular thing that these have to be checked. At the very least you may be given something to combat the nausea.

Thank you , iv just came back from the hospital after getting the scope down stent looks okay . The doctor has prescibed acid reflux tablets that will hopefully help with the nausea .. my esophageas is bugger than its been in 14years as a result of me accodently drinking an acid cleaning solution which is how i came to have my stricture , hopefully the pain eases off soon and the anti reflux tablets work .
Thank you