I am pretty sure that I am suffering from LPR but my doctor keeps treating me for asthma but my lungs feel fine. the problem is phlegm in my throat and coughing and wheezing. Any suggestions how to treat this without surgery?
Suffering from LPR or silent reflux - Oesophageal & Gas...
Suffering from LPR or silent reflux

Extra-oesophageal reflux (LPR) is a quite common complaint which has been frequently overlooked. This page describes it and its symptoms: sites.google.com/site/downw...
(I'm guessing by your reference to surgery, you still have an intact oesophagus?)
Reduction of LPR is similar to reduction of GORD: avoiding overfilling the stomach, avoiding tight clothing, avoiding exercises that tilt, squeeze or shake the stomach when it is full, taking last meal at least 3 hours before retiring and raising the head of the bed 6 to 8 inches etc.
I have experienced LPR symptoms all my life but doctors never accredited it. It was only 20 years ago when I said to my doctor that my cough was worst when my heartburn was bad that he made the (then) revolutionary suggestion that the reflux was travelling up the entire column of the oesophagus and aspirating into my lungs.
However, with all the lifestyle choices, I never did manage my LPR and eventually resorted to a fundoplication which, as far as LPR goes, was the best thing I did.
There is a new device presently being marketed in USA that may or may not be efficacious if it becomes available in UK, called the Reza Band which puts light pressure on the cricopharyngeus to prevent nocturnal LPR. Possible hope for the future?
There are also non-invasive treatment that can mitigate LPR. Avoiding foods or other things that worsen reflux (mint, chocolate, milk, smoking) can help. Lifestyle modifications (exercise, weight loss) can also help in some people.
You need a proper diagnosis NOW.
Unfortunately you will have to fight to get referred to a centre which can undertake this.
As a first step go here -
If your GP won't play ball you can order this self administered test yourself --money well spent .
Also see this post :-
Please let us know how you get on.
Thanks for the info but I live in the U.S. Hopefully I won't have much trouble.
well I have been treating myself with Nexium and that seems to be working it will just take some time to clear this up.
I had a double lung transplant 11 years ago and am now having major problems with my esophagus and stomach. I have actually had my entire throat close because it was full of lesions but I was put on protonix and it went away, but now when I wake up my stomach feels like it is twisting and turning and I still have a lot of gerd which is treated with protonix and prevacid. I am on lots of meds including 5 mg of prednisone a day (which is not a small amount and has caused me to gain around 100 pounds). I am actually at my wits end because it seems that I am dealing with so many things and I have no real idea what to do. I will be 67 on Saturday.