PLEASE PLEASE everybody give as much support as you can to these great Medics from Southampton,UK.
Cancer Marathon,NY,USA Nov 3 - Oesophageal & Gas...
Cancer Marathon,NY,USA Nov 3

Fantastic video, thank you. Good luck on the marathon - and tell Donna she doesn't HAVE TO finish!
Thanks for posting the video. We are off to New York tomorrow. Training all done.......
Donna will finish!
All the very best! Hope you have a great time, and also raise this money for a very worthy cause!
Good luck on the marathon
I wish you every success. After all your hard work and training I hope everyone out there will make sure you you get the money to reach your target. Good luck
Thank you and Wishing you all the very best will be thinking of you all its a great cause proud of everyone x
Good luck to you all, you have my greatest admiration, both for the marathon and the work you do.
The u-tube videos you have posted have been incredibly helpful for me and no doubt many others. I saw and heard things on the videos that I didn't hear at my own meetings. Please keep posting them as they are a great help for the OC community.
Hilary x