I noticed the recent poll about diges... - Oesophageal & Gas...
I noticed the recent poll about digestion problems after 12 months. Why after 12 months? Do the problems change significantly after then?

I think it's aim is to identify the medium to long term after effects of the operation. In my case I suffered all of the symptoms in the early days post op but now am just affected by the three most common problems (as currently shown on the results) albeit on a gradually improving basis. As others have suggested, this aspect would benefit from proper structured research to assist in targetted treatment and advice.
Hi Danko
Many thanks for your response but where are the results of the poll I have no idea where to look and I am interested to see if My symptoms are common ones
Hi there
If you look for the blue bar at the top of this page and click on Polls, a bar chart should display on your screen. You can also take part in the poll and add to the results
Hi Danko
Ah! I think I see the problem, I don't get any bar chart when clicking on "poll" I only get a list of dietary questions with tick boxes. I use Firefox but have also tried it with internet explorer. Sorry to be a pain
Maybe the poll results only display after you have taken part in the poll?? Sorry, I'm not very computer literate!!
Struggling along on computer technology, I tried going into Polls and found the yellow box to Vote, then next to this was View results and responses.This might work for you. Best of luck Sally
Hi Sally
It would seem I look but don't see, you are quite right and I don't know how I missed it .Feeling foolish but thanks.
The reason we put 'after 12 months' is that it is a slightly arbitrary point by when most of the immediate problems should have settled down, and the problems might be longer term issues rather than the effects of the operation.
The vagus nerve does get cut during the surgery, but the body does sometimes find alternative pathways for improving things over next few months. I think problems still being experienced after a year probably need to be looked at from a gastroenterological point of view. It does not mean that problems before this should be ignored. Nor does it mean that something magic happens and you can go back to eating big meals after 12 months. But it might well mean that some of the problems could be related to changes in the gut that might be influenced by extra / different medication, possibly.
Thank you for the explanation I seem to be getting more problems the longer I am from the op' so I guess it's back to the specialists.