Does anyone have any tips on how to help with anxiety from a phobia, specifically emetophobia, during the night?
Night anxiety: Does anyone have any tips on how... - OCD Support
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Night anxiety
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I can't suggest anything apart from keeping regular habits when you go to bed, winding down your mind and trying to relax. A bath and a feel good book are the sort of things that can help. Don't have tea or coffee, give your phone a rest!
If it's the emetophobia keeping you up and stopping you going to sleep, perhaps use some CBT techniques to learn to get to sleep. There is stuff on the internet about it, particularly on the Sleepio website. Don't try to knock yourself out with sleeping tablets. They can be addictive and can disturb the natural pattern of sleep. I can't think of anything else, but hope this helps.
Hi I am new to this group, I am so relief I am not the only one with nigh time anxiety due to emetophobia. I am looking for a therapist to face this fear. Are you seeking help for this problem? My only advice is to challenge your thoughts and remind yourself of what's rational. It doesn't stop my anxiety completely but it is the only thing I can do at the moment that makes me feel better with time. I walk around and think about the present moment, then I evaluate the possibility of being sick while doing some breathing techniques.