Anyone have any idea how long its really safe to take this for, have osteoarthritis in several places and my consultant has put me on this for long term use. I am a 78 years old female. Also on Omeprazole for protection.
Etoicoxib: Anyone have any idea how... - Osteoarthritis Ac...

i really think, Pinklady, that this is one for the professionals. Other posters might have some ideas?
Thanks Happyrosie, trouble is no one seems to really know. NICE say as short a time as possible, but my Consultant and Doctor view it as long term use. Really need more info so I can make my mind up for myself! 👵💖🏡🏴
Hi Pinklady, no personal knowledge but the patient info, link below, does talk about long term use with stomach protection, which your doctor has prescribed, the Omeprazole.
Interesting link about the drug. I was put on it for a while but seemed to affect my tum. However, was not told to take omeprazole, and I am asthmatic..... No wonder my body did not like it
I've been taking it for 5 years. At first for my hip, but even after that was replaced it helps with OA in my shoulders and toe. I take omeprazole anyway so I haven't had any problems and my GP has always said it's a good drug to take for OA.
Many thanks Tomsdad for your most encouraging response, finding any one else who has been on these drugs for longer than 6 months has been a problem ! My OA is quite widespread,sacro iliac joints, hands,feet, knees so finding a drug that helps has been good. I do still have to take Paracetamol and/ or Cocodamol as and when needed however. Not at this present time on a daily basis thankfully. Wishing you all the best for your future. 👵👍💖🏴
I have ankylosing spondylitis, and was given Etoricoxib, which is licensed for AS, for around 18 months. I always took a stomach protector. Unfortunately I had a severe stroke at 52, and it was seen to be a contributing factor, so was stopped. I’m no longer allowed any nsaids.
Good morning Runrig, many thanks for sharing your experience with me, it's much appreciated. Having been on Etoricoxib for 6 months now I do feel that its time for a break and will do so after my current supply runs out. The Doctors are not much help, I really think they don't know as much as I do now! So after doing extensive research,reading NICE reports until I'm blue in the face and discussing endlessly with my Husband have decided on a break and will see how I get on with my osteoarthritis and its symptoms. It may be that I keep the pills in reserve in case of a flare up rather than take them all the time! Once again many thanks, take care and stay safe. 👵👍💖
You are very welcome. I find once your on certain pain meds, you are left on them with no real reviews. I’ve been on amitriptyline for over 12yr, every 4-6 months I wean down off it, to check if it’s still helping. If it is I resume, which do far seems to be the case. At present I have a flare of my inflammatory arthritis in my knee as well as the severe osteoarthritis I have in the femeropatellar joint, due to my kneecap being subluxed and not sitting in its track. I contacted my gp to get another pain meds as my score was 8/10. Her response was to remove my pain patch overnight and not take any more tramadol, with nothing to replace it till the following day. She expected me whilst bedbound with the pain to pop along to the pharmacy to collect zomorph and start taking that. Which would take 3-4 days to reach a therapeutic level. Whilst I agree it may be worth switching opiates, during an acute flare is not the time. Happy once this flare has settled to switch. Won my case and kept my patches and she added oramorph to help with this episode. I’m fortunate that I worked as a nurse for 34yrs and have no issue arguing my case with Drs, but I fear for people like my mum, who just nod and accept what orders they issue. Unfortunately I have severe adrenal insufficiency, and any stress which includes severe pain, can cause a life threatening crisis, so it’s important my pain is managed, otherwise I wake with nausea, headache, lightheaded, low blood pressure and it escalates to a crisis, unless I can avert it with more steroids. I used to be under the senior gp as I’m classed as complex. Unfortunately he retired and I r been put under a newly qualified who is terrified of my adrenal insufficiency, and won’t prescribe anything till I, not her, checks with my endocrinologist who is based in London. It gets frustrating . Thanks for your kind words, and hope you keep ok, take care x 🥲🤗
Many thanks for sharing all your details and experiences, I am on Cocodamol for pain as and when needed which thankfully is not too often but my Doctor won't put them on repeat so I have to practically beg for them when I run out! I count myself very lucky to have reached 78 in the relatively good condition I am! It's the luck of the draw and genes I suppose. We are going away for 3 weeks, visiting family in Northumberland which will probably entail more walking than I find comfortable so will stay on medication until we return. Thinking of you. 👵👍💖
Hope you have a wonderful holiday, take it easy. It was a weeks holiday in Devon which has resulted in my current flare. Normally walk around 9 miles a week on a flat surface, did 27 miles in Devon in hilly towns. The sudden increase in activity set the flare off, now 11 weeks on it’s still not settling. So listen to your body🤗💕
I have been on them for 31 years. Started on diclofenic, then moved on to these a couple of years later. At the start I wasnt given anything to line my stomach, but eventually was given Omeprazole. I do have to say, I do have diviticultis now, only 3 small patches though. Always the optimist!