I would like information on how to treat and live with severe osteoarthritis.
Living with severe osteoarthritis - Osteoarthritis Ac...
Living with severe osteoarthritis

I am so sorry. You don’t say how old you are. Just wondering. What are all your symptoms and what have you done so far?I too have significant osteoarthritis. I hurt all the time. I’ve learned to live with it. I have my right hip replaced, my lower back fused, my left shoulder repaired and now my neck has been causing problems pinching nerves. I take Celebrex twice a day, Lyrica, & ropinirole. I also take several vitamins.I also am on methotrexate injections weekly & pilocarpine. I have all the symptoms of Sjogrens & not sure what else. My doctor is confused to what I have. So is treating me as if I have either RA or Sjogrens & OA. I went back to Mayo Clinic last year & he told me I just had significant OA. I didn’t believe him with having so many other symptoms. I feel like a Ginny pig.