Hi, I am new to this site. Newly diagnosed. Because of poor kidney function, can only take Paracetamol and topical Voltarol Gel. In quite a lot of pain when walking. However, when at rest, hardly any pain. Any tips etc would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Osteoarthritis of knee: Hi, I am new to... - Osteoarthritis Ac...
Osteoarthritis of knee

You live in the UK so you could try Flexiseq. It was designed as a carrier for drug therapy but it was found that it worked just as well without any drug! Studies have shown it is at least as effective as celecoxib without any of the side effects. It's a topical treatment, like Voltaren. I tried Voltaren but it caused a gut bleed. I ordered Flexiseq and after using it for a couple of weeks I feel it is really starting to help a lot.
It's also important to know that nsaids actually interfere with cartilage renewal so they are in the long run counterproductive.
I have quite serious knee arthritis but am determined to put off, hopefully forever, the need for knee replacement.
This book was recommended to me: Treat Your Own Knees, by Jim Johnson, and I am finding it useful, although I also see a physiotherapist because I've had, additionally, soft tissue injury to one of my knees which caused a lot of swelling and limited the knee mobility and I lost a lot of strength.
The key to protecting the knees seems to be strengthening thigh muscles.
All doctors will suggest losing weight to reduce burden on the knee joint. Easier said than done!
If you try the Flexiseq give it a few weeks to work. Please try to discontinue the other painkillers because, as I said, they may reduce pain short term but in the long run they aren't doing you any good. There are good pointers in the book I mentioned. I ordered a copy of the book thinking that illustrations wouldn't be good in an e-book, but in fact they are just little line drawings so the e-book edition would have been fine.
Thank you so much for that info.

I should have said that I take glucosamine. I've been taking it for years (I was first diagnosed over thirty years ago at age 40). Although I started with a lower dose I have for a long time taken 1000 mg twice a day. I take a capsule, not a hard tablet, and always at a mealtime. I've heard others complain glucosamine doesn't agree with their stomach but I've never had that problem and perhaps this is why. I do not take the version with chondroitin as I am nervous of the source of this supplement (animal cartilage etc).
I have it in my knee, feet and neck.
For pain relief I take turmeric and black pepper capsules daily and they help a lot. They might not be safe if you use blood thinners..
I do a lot of exercise, weight training and running, walking which is probably the most effective thing out of everything.
Take care.
Thank you so much.
You are welcome.
Here’s some exercises from versusarthritis-
As HeronNS says try Flexiseq- but must admit it did nothing for me - however this does - and about same price - cheaper on well known online shop beginning with A - sensiwellness.co.uk/cbd/
Many thanks.
Hello, I have extensive Osteoarthritis so I can sympathise. Because of my Heart meds., I am limited what I can take for pain, I find that Pernaton Gel gives me some relief, used it for years, rubbing some on usually helps me to get some sleep. My best wishes.
Thank you for your kind comments.
Me too, I have heart meds, so am limited as to what I can take for pain. Never heard of Pernatol Gel, is it available to buy over the counter please? I am waiting to have both hips replaced, so in constant pain.