About - Nutriri Mindful Eating | HealthUnlocked

Nutriri Mindful Eating

739 members20 posts

About Nutriri Mindful Eating

Changing the diet industry "for good"; we believe that restrictive dieting "for profit" isn't a lasting solution; that being kept in fear of food isn't compassionate. We have recently received a grant from The Big Lottery Fund and become part of the Lloyds Bank School for Social Entrepreneurs. Nutriri has been meeting (in person) since January 2016; we are developing an online course and community to promote positive body image and conscious eating. Most importantly we support each other positively without judgement; our needs are different, our journeys individual - we don't have to travel alone!

Guidelines Highlights

We are NOT here to talk about restriction and how to change weight there are plenty of other spaces for that!
Actively listen & have in mind that everyone would like to find their version of ease around food.
Post from your own experience
"For me, this felt like..." rather than "You should do this..."
This is a space for peer to peer and emotional support
The community does not replace the relationship or advice given by your healthcare professional
Provide your sources of information
Use well-known sources of information and add the URL to your reply or post
No political content
Let's focus on individual health experiences
This community should not be used for commercial or personal promotion
No selling, no fundraising, no spam

Moderation team

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