5am Blues: Been up for about 2hrs and just posted on... - NRAS


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5am Blues

farjer121 profile image
12 Replies

Been up for about 2hrs and just posted on TildaT blog.

Her coments and exerpriences remind me i am not alone in not wanting to venture beyond familiar surroundings and interactions with strangers.

Have recently started photographing my joints when in flare up and its (externally) obvious as at my last Rheumy appointment felt the nurse didnt believe me when i said i was in pain as the inflamatory markers were "within normal range".

Really trying to be positive about the year ahead as the previous one wasnt great and would not wish my experiences on others... The idiots at work not really understanding or adjusting things for me (even after their own Occ Health advisors confirmed my statements diagnosis) and dispite my requests for help they started disciplinary proceedings and wanted to reduce my disability sick leave allowance.

Thats what really playing on my mind i suppose... Do i go now or wait to be pushed out... Do i try for medical retirement even if its likely to be rejected... Will i win my employment tribunal against them or just pull out before the hearing.

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farjer121 profile image
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12 Replies
sylvi profile image

Fight them all the way. If they sack you you can take them to a tribunal. That is the trouble with our diseases is nobody can see it unlike cancer which gets all the publicity.

I too have taken up photography,my family brought me a tripod for christmas and when my hubby retired earlier last year he chose a camera as one of his gifts for me so i have a decent camera and tripod,but i haven't been out yet with it as i don't feel well at the moment.

You have a lovely new year and don't let the buggers beat you. Sylvi.xx

farjer121 profile image
farjer121 in reply to sylvi

Sylvi thank you, i think there is a line from gone with the wind about relying on the kindness of strangers.

Especially now that mh solicitors has gone with the wind!

shirlthegirl profile image

Morning, When i spoke to a cab recently, he clearly told me never to give up work, to let then go though the procedures, If you leave you will properly loss your rights to a appeal, and also you might loss out on any benefits that you could be entitled to, So stay strong, I have been of work since July and my boss has been really supportive, when i hear stories like this it reminds me how lucky i am, Hoping you feel better soon Shirley xx

farjer121 profile image
farjer121 in reply to shirlthegirl

Shirl thank you.

Yes, will be stopping home for the forseeable...

Let them do what they need to and just sit on my hands.

I have been up too Farjer, back to work today don't know if that was playing with my thoughts or what but i slept for a few hours when i went to bed at 9 and then have been reading and trying to sleep seeing the hours slip away. Up now and ready to go.

Try and hang in there at work, not easy but why should you be forced out of employment when your employers are not willing to work with you.

Last year my biggest problem was my knees and my mobility was impaired so it was quite clear that I had a problem. In the last few months my knees are not too bad but my feet, hands and shoulders are a big pain. I do not look as though i have problems and that causes just as many problems and like you my inflammatory markers are not too high usually between 20 and 70 and sitting now at 30 which as my consultant told me is not too bad considering my weight and age. Git.

It is annoying when acquaintances or indeed friends do not take the time to listen properly when they ask about the disease instead giving you their half baked insights but i think it is even worse when the medical staff do not fully support you as we need them to make our life more bearable and work out a positive plan of action for you. Good idea to keep taking photos of your joints. I hope 2013 works out to be much better for you.

farjer121 profile image

Thank you all for your posts and words of support!

I dont think this year will be any better as my employment tribunal solicitor has just rang and informed he can no longer represent me at next weeks hearing.

Wouldnt be surprised if this was prompted by my disclosure that the drugs (methotrexate in particular & onset of diabetis) are adversely affecting short term memory and new learning!

Felt like crying, where do i go from here?

My little dogs all over me cos he knows sometjing is up.

Havent worked since last April and pay was stopped in September so cant afford to instruct new lawyers so its theend of the road.

Thank you all again for your support... Have decided not to return to work and will let them do all the leg work to get rid of me cos i want to be rid of the stress and in action on their part which i cant help but feel is deliberate.

Good health and wishing you all a better year than the previous one.

in reply to farjer121

oh farjer i am so sorry, i don't know enough to advise you, though Lavendar Lady is a volunteer on here who helps out with legal issues.

DId your solicitor give a reason, can they just decide not to help any more? I wish there was something I could say or do to help you. It is just so unfair.

farjer121 profile image

Mads thank you for your kindness.

He was on a no win no fee basis and said its because he let his solicitors indemnity insurance lapse and it would take 2 or 3 months to update.

But I think its cos of my disclosure about memory impairment... Probably thought i would not give a good account of myself in court... To be fair, he did try to find someone else but the replacement wanted £600 per day plus vat for my 5 day case.

A far cry from no win no fee! Really all a fait a complet now!

Devastated and feeling lost.

Thank you again for your kind words.

Need to go to DWP next week as work stopped paying me back in September and mortgage lender wants 3mths of arrears.

How does one get in touch with lavender lady?

Hi farjer,

If you look in the directory, tab at the top of the page, you can look for a member, they are in alphabetical order. Find Lavender Lady and then you can message her directly and privately.

Hope this helps and good luck.


Hi Farjer - sorry things are so rough. I have no experience of employment because i'm self employed so can't advise but as right is on your side it will hopefully all pan out in your favor in the end. Take care. Tilda

notagranny profile image

Hi, I've just come across this post from a few years ago - I wonder what the outcome was of your work situation? I have had similar worries myself.

farjer121 profile image

Hi there "notagranny" and all that might be following tis post.

Shortly after the original post my employers wrote saying they would stop paying me.

Anyway, I "stayed on" with my them for another year on long term sick leave and waited for the Employment Tribunal hearing against my employer.

Shortly thereafter, when they received notification from the Tribunal my employer wrote saying unless I apply for ill health retirement they would terminate my employment.

So, I let the Tribunal progress, delaying hearings until my application for ill health retirement was formally acknowledged... I was very worried it was a ploy on their part but eventually and without any objections from their Pension Occupational Health advisors my retirement was approved.

So I took ill health retirement in June 2013!

Asto the Employment Tribunal, I was shamefully let down by my solicitor, who, four days before the hearing phoned to say he had "forgotten" to renew his practice insurance and could not represent me.

My world feel part when I heard those words, panic attack, physically felt like I had been kicked in the stomach and things stayed like that for the rest of the day.

I had to withdraw from the case (which had a 65% chance of winning) do to lack of representation.

Two years on, I am making ends meet, BUT very happy despite the ongoing PSA.

If you or anyone needs info on who to fight employers, I would happily write some notes as I was also a PCS Union and Equality Rep whilst in employment.

Kind regards,

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