How many of you also have a Fibromyalgia Dx? I have R... - NRAS
How many of you also have a Fibromyalgia Dx? I have RA, Sjogren's, Fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, and Raynaud's Phenomenon.

I have ra and fibromyalgia. Not sure which is worse. My ra i'm told is stable,but the fibro i've only been diagnosed since august so still getting used to it.
Try using "Freeze It" Eucalypus Oil & Epen Salt all of those really helps me. I am hoping one of them will help you. The rain and cold will activate your fibro & Ra once in a while. But each person is different. I am here if you need support or someone to talk to. My first 6 years I was battling alone so I want to make sure no one has to battle alone.
Thats nice to know that theres someone who knows what they are talking about. I get up each morning And can't tell how i feel.I have no energy,always tired,knees feel like they are on fire. I accept i'm always going to have pain, but i'm not able to do much round the house either. Medics don't know what to tell me to do, it could be ra or fibro or it could be both. All i'm told to do is rest,do the medics know how hard that is. I'm more overweight now than i was before,i'm also depressed and can't see a way to improve my situation. I'm not suicidal,but there have been times when i've said i would be better off dead. I'm in a happy position of having a very supportive husband and children and they will do a lot of things for me so thats a area i don't have to worry about. When i'm out i try to remain upbeat and cheerful.
Thanks for listening to my moan. Sylvia.
I don't think people understand just how hard all of these diseases are. I too have all of the above, plus I have fatigue non stop. Pacing yourself, having a good gp/ranurse is a big help. The medications often are not easy either, which is why a GOOD SUPPORT SYSTEM is a must. Until you walk in our shoes you can't imagine how WE feel daily. Just remember, One Day at A Time and be good to yourself Sylvia.
There are many of us just like you, be positive and ask for help when you need it, xxxxx Pam
I have ra, fibro and ddd.
I have RA Fybro an Sjordens! Newly diagnosed apart from the Fybro so we're all trying to find a good balance of meds at the moment! Still mildly flaring each week and crp levels still raised even though I'm on MTX Lisa xx
I have ra and fibro too x
Hi I also have RA (severe) and Sjordens (mild rather than serious). Also had thyroid removed some years ago because it was first under active and then over active and then back to underactive again. Now on Thyroxine for life.
May take a while to get your meds sorted out. Hope all goes well. LavendarLady x
My Sjogren's is also mild as far as the dryness symptoms, but I have a lot of neurological symptoms that are likely due to the Sjogren's. I suppose you could say my RA is mild since it was caught early. The fibro is a pain, literally! I've been sick since the birth of my daughter five years ago. I've been under a rheumy's treatment for three years... plaquanil, methotrexate, neurotin, supplements, lyrica (newest), etc.
I have ra hypothyroid raynauds although never actually diagnosed and get lots of muscle pain so probably have fibromyalgia as well my osteopath thinks that a lot of my pain is fibromyalgic in nature but my rhuemmy nurse says you have to have 10 points for it to be confirmed
Hello to you all,new to site and find it very good.I have RA,Sjogrens,Raynauds,Hypoththyroid as well.There are meds.for all of these but can take some time to find right one for you. Good luck :0)
Hi, i have RA, Fibro and Sjogrens too, am on sulphrazaline now , have tried others but did not get on with them, still waiting to see any changes in pain, have been on it 2 months now !
Hi, I have had RA since 1994,also Osteoarthritis & Fibromylgia.I have pain 24-7..I am 52 yrs old and there are times i feel 82....there are days I have have a really good productive day then days that are really bad!!!Hope you are feeling better today.....
I have Fibro, Hypothyroid, osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, Primary Sjogren's with imflammatory arthritis (RA?). Take drugs for all and recently added MTX to regimen.
just wanted to say that i have all the same as you , the stenosis can not be operated on and also cervical stenosis, so headaches and numbness in face . with all the other things I find this the most annoying, well today anyway lol as face numb and spilt my tea, tomorrow will be mt lower back and lead legs, . lol, gosh body transplants are needed i think ,xx
I have Fibromyaljia & RA since I was 10 years old and now 24 years old.
Hi , I have fibro, RA, lupus, secondary sjogrens and raynauds- well its an overlap CTD.
and Im currently on mtxt, after trying hydroxychloroquine. It worked but had bad side effects, including blurry vision. I now have a little retinol damage, but n one will say if this is related to the hcq or not for sure.
I have JRA, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, and Sjogrens. Also, Osteoporosis, recurrent Kidney Stones, and found out just a year ago...allergies.
It sounds like we're all just autoimmune hodgepodges. It seems like I get a new diagnosis with each visit to the doctor. I think my friends think I'm a hypochondriac, so I snapped a photo of my chart with my iPhone last time I was there so I would have evidence.
I have Osteo-arthritus, sjorens, Rhumatoid,. Fibomyalgia and a form of Lupis markers. I am on Mtx weekly, and find after months of being on it that I have such fatigue daily and need to sleep more. Fortunately I'm now widowed a year and have to have help when I need it. Sometimes it is hard to ask and say I can't do something. Life has changed, and so have my symptoms. Nausia is one thing. Has anyone else got this problem? Pam
Hi everyone, if you want to cure your disease please watch this video at:
This technique works and it has been used during 100 years, and please also watch what is the auto hemoterapy, into this link tha I gave to you, I use this method every week on me.
In tha beginig you will need to apply every 5 days and when you feel relief can to apply every 7 days, using 10 ml or if you prefer 20 ml it is not harmful and can be used for all your days.
With all my love for you, I hope you be cured
Pacifico Escobar from Colombia
We would always encourage everyone to ask for scientific evidence when considering non-standard treatments for any conditions.
As far as NRAS and the British Society of Rheumatology (BSR) are aware there is currently no cure for rheumatoid arthritis.
Kind regards
Sarah Kate
NRAS Helpline

Thank you! I don't suppose there is a way to monitor for spammers since this is an open forum. Not saying this is spam specifically, just that, if there was a cure for RA and other autoimmune disorders, I'm sure the word would've spread by now
auto hemoterapy was scientifically proven in 1940 through a mediacal work of Dr Jesse Teixeira, this work received a award and was translated to french and english, after 1976 Dr Ricardo Veronesi discovered it has a lot applications and Auto H stimulates the reticuloendothelial system, producing a powerful immune stimulus, but before in 1924 Carlos David presented his thesis to medical university in Porto Portugal, with his work AUTO HEMOTERAPY IN DERMATOSES, I would like to post these three works but here I can not to attach. Dr Luiz Moura who appears in the video has practiced this technique from 1943 during almost 60 years getting amazing results, I hope someone can benefit from this knowledge.
Hello there I have RA, Fibro, Raynauds and Peripheral neuropathy