Over the last week i have found the omepazole (indige... - NRAS


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Over the last week i have found the omepazole (indigestion relief) less effective. Does anyone know if this usually happens?

16 Replies
16 Replies
nanny4 profile image

Yes this can happen,my daughter has been on proton pump inhibitors for 15 years for acid reflux etc she has had omaperazole,pantoprazole,lansoperazole and now rabaperazole,,her doctors change her when each one no longer works.

Some of them work for a couple of years,some for a few months,I think your body gets used to them and they stop doing there job.


in reply to nanny4

i thought that as it had worked right up until recently

nanny4 profile image
nanny4 in reply to

Ask your g.p to prescribe you one of the others,I take omaperazole, but I only take it when i have eaten or am going to est something that I know may give me indegestion.

My daughter often has to take two a day,as she also has had s hiatus hetnia since she was a baby,hope you get some relief soon. Sandy

Hi Mads, I am on Lansoparazole, a similar drug, and too, found it not working recently. However I have been trying a new biologic drug (abatacept) and after complaining of constant indigestion and heartburn, I was asked to have an endoscopy . Very, very reluctantly, I agreed, and nothing was found. It has now been decided to stop abatacept, and try something else. I wondered if you had recently started or changed to a new Dmard or Biologic. Just a thought. Hope you get it sorted and take care. Jennyxxxxxx

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i have started sulpha recently, i do think that has something to do with it

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Hi, I have taken lansoparazole for years, worked really well, and then I started abatacept in January, and about a month later the heartburn started and never stopped until now, still on lansoparazole after a break, off abatacept and now changed drugs. All symptoms gone, however, I do eat fairly healthily, apart from the odd chocolate binge. Avoid too much dairy, particularly cheese. Hope things improve, with diet, but don't under-estimate these drugs we take. Take care. Jennyx

in reply to

thanks jenny

Hi Mads, can I ask is it the medication that causes your indigestion? The reason I say this is I used to have indigestion virtually every day until I changed my diet. I can honestly say that since starting a low fat/calorie diet in January I've not had it once. Paula x

in reply to

think it is a combination of both - poor diet but omeprazole has worked until this week.

Yes I'm in the same boat as Paula. I used to suffer terribly from reflux to the point where it caused a horrible dry cough to start if I bent down. And my gallstones would kick off at least once a week too. But since I gave up eating wheat I've found that all this has gone and I rarely have wind/ indigestion anymore and no reflux at all. When I was on Sulphasalazine (I think that's what you are taking now) I did feel a bit nauseous with a funny taste in my mouth the whole time I took it so it could be related. But for me the reflux was certainly diet related - it just my terror of getting the family condition of diabetes 2 to kick start me into action! Maybe you should have a go at cutting out gluten? TTx

here I go again, I really don't have shares in Manuka honey but I find it helps me when suffering, I give it to Amy (she's 20 months now) whenever she has an unsettled tummy and normally does the trick :) x

in reply to

oh must try this WIlby

Carol3 profile image

Hi I am using the same tablets- for several years. At first I had a higher dose of omepazole 40 mg,, then it went down to 20 mg dose. Only when I over eat do I have a problem or when i forget to take it in the morning do I have problems. As soon as I remember I take it. I would ask your Doctor if it needs to be increased for a short time? would that help?

My husband takes rabaperazol as we wont get them mixed up(Doctor suggested it.). I hope you get it sorted. One thing I find I can not eat Bananas now--indigestion . I take the medication 15 minutes before I eat thats why I have it by bedside so I do not forget. xx

in reply to Carol3

oh carol that is interesting, i have been upping my fruit intake and have replaced toast for breakfast with a banana. i hope it is not that. i am taking one for lunch today so will soon find out.

Carol3 profile image
Carol3 in reply to

hope you feel better soon xx

caggy profile image

Hi Mads, I take omeprazole daily and eat banana's for breakfast, but I know that if I didn't take it I would suffer ingestion, hope lunch went well? found out though just by chance that omeprezole can give you muscle pain! How's that! I think that's all we need to add insult to injury.

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