have been on mtx for 7 wks. went to see my specialist... - NRAS
have been on mtx for 7 wks. went to see my specialist yesterday and she said my blood tests were normal now. not quite sure wot that means

think you can assume good news.. prob .. inflammation markers have fallen etc.. you must ask her or gp./hca or who ever does your bloods for you to go through it with you!
I have a monitoring booklet and so should you!. please get them to give you one If havent got one. national patient safety agency(nhs) prints these booklets .. your hospital shouls have given you one or their own equivalent

thanks for the answer. i dont really understand it all really. i will ask for the book. does it mean my levels will stay normal all the time now im on mtx
Yeh I have a blood monitoring book too and I can check a variety of tests /levels. When my dr says bloods are normal though she usually means that my body is coping with the drugs ie liver function ok etc. Your levels may change over time and it's important you keep up with the regular blood tests . Good luck !
not necessarily! you should be monitored.. a least monthly.. sorry its late and I hope my answer wasnt confusing? The monitoring booklet when you get one has the blood tests listed in the back and the normal range ie what is considered normal values for each range.. when im less tired I will type on the tests and values.. but the books have them all.Im hoping that some kind person who isnt working tomorrow will beat me to it!
All you need to know as this stage is that you have been given some good news.. time to worry is when someone tells you thre reesults arent normal sleep soundly with this good news cos Im off to bed now.. pleased for you
Hi Jacqi
This is definitely good news. I was told this in May after taking 20 mg MTX since Feb (15mg since Dec). It doesn;t mean a cure because as far as the medical profession is concerned there is no cure. I always assume it is the fact that the RA is under control, i.e. not flaring and causing untold damage on your digits!!
I am not sure about the blood tests. I always ask my practice nurse to check for the inflammatory markers because they were just testing for liver function because of the Mtx. All the liver function test does is monitor the fact that your body is coping with the drugs! However, if your specialist is saying all bloods normal, then I would assume, if I was in your position, that it is the RA tests (inflammatory markers etc) they are talking about.
If you really want to know and be better informed, I should ring the hospital cons secretary, or your rheummy nurse or the GP practice and make sure they explain. I have found it's the only way you find out. No-one tells you much!!
Take care
Julie xx
Hi Jaqi!!
I dont have an answer for you but just wanted to say hello, as of tomorrow I will have been on MTX for 6 wks :-).
Im on MTX, Plaquenil, Steriods, folic acid & iron sulfate (for anemia) & feeling good hope you are feeling ok too.
hello to u too. i'm abit like u not sure wot to expect and i dont really understand it all. u will ave to let me know how u get on. i'm glad u r feeling good
Great to hear your feeling better Joy, I've started 18 weeks ago and just now starting to feel better now
Jaqi, do you think the medications working? are you feeling any better?

hiya i dont think my meds are doin anything yet. i'm still in pain and so very tired all the time. but i guess they must b doing something if my blood tests are showing good. but like u mayb it will just take time. glad yr feeling better now.

Thanks Hon,
I do have 3 very swollen fingers, but my feet shoulders and jaw are behaving
Glad your beginning to feel better!
Im afraid to say this jaqi. but is part of RA you are very newly diagnosed it is a nasty lot.. I spent over a year or so on two different drugs but you seem to be doing well quite quickly.it took me ten months to get to were you are but then after several more months experienced problems .Im on drug no three.(drug no one lasted less than a month!) the fatigue gets me most.. and for you(you look quite young?) its a scary new thing.., im only now at almost two years ( nov!)accepting my lot.. on drug three and its no miracle drug!. Other people on here are much older and wiser or even just wiser as they have had the disease a long time
the blood tests seem encouraging try not to push yourself.. its not easy I often do and then regret it later.. is it possible for you to chat with a symapthetic GP? or Rheumatolgy nurse, or counseller.. we will help as much as we can on this site.. but as far I know none of us are rheumatologists?. but there are some great people on here! xx