Just a quick question. Does anyone know what a normal... - NRAS
Just a quick question. Does anyone know what a normal reading is for a R.A blood test should be?

If you mean the Rheumatoid Factor Jes I believe a negative reading is anything under 20 and a positive reading is anything over 20. And about 25% of RA sufferers have a negative RF just to complicate things. These people have Sero-Negative RA, which is much harder to diagnose. Hope this helps. TTx
Thanks Tilda. I went to my Gp yesterday. He said mine was high but not to high at 40! I wasn't sure what he really meant by that. Thanks again for your help. x
Hi Tilda he may have been talking about your ESR levels which can initially trigger a doc to test you for rheumatoid arhtiritis if it extremely high..the normal is about 4-17 ish...it indicates many things but a high level basically in RA indicates inflammation....so if its relatively low then theres not muchinflammation.... have RA and am sero negative and its impossible to find a treatments that will work so its a trial and error...
Thank you Muriel. Yes there was inflammation present. My hands were almost twice their size and very painful. He has just given me anti inflammatory's Naproxen 500mg twice a day and he has sent a referal letter to the hospital and told me to come back in 2wks to see how the meds are working.... Up until now.. they haven't done very much at all :(. x
Hi Jess,
I think it may vary from hospital to hospital.
In my case, I have the printed out blood test results and normal RF is 0-15.
Mine was 69 the last time.
However, I don't have the results to hand from the ESR which was the test I first had done.
I rang the doc for that result and was told it was normal.
I think at the end of the day they use all these things to come to a diagnosis.
Sounds like you are suffering, so sorry about that.
I wouldn't wait for 2 weeks if you are in pain.
As far as I know, Naproxen works as you take it, it's not like waiting form mtx etc. to start working.
Perhaps a steroid injection would help you through until you get your appointment at the hospital.
If you are not happy, go back until they do something to help.
In the meantime why not try some hand therapy.
I was shown how to use ice cold water to reduce heat and swelling. And I also hold a bag of frozen veg on bad days. (wrapped in a towel)
Some people use warm water to get stiff hands moving. And even kneading bread dough can help the pain and swelling.
Hope the Naproxen works soon.
You can get arthritis putty I'm told although I've never tried it. I use a soft stress ball and finger exercises that my physio gave me daily and I find heat much more theraputic than cold - which is all as well because our freezer' s been broken for ages! TTx
my claim to fame, my RF was 1200!
Wow! Maybe we should be like online gamers and have a wall to post all our high scores? As long as there are prizes of course! Px
Thank you everyone for your comment. I rang GP surgery yesterday. I was wrong. It was 440 a bit more than i 1st thought. Hands have gone down quite a lot. just very stiff and middle finger on right hand still painful and cannot bend. But , feeling much better x
Hi Jes58
As you have spoken to your GP I hope they have managed to clear things up for you, but I thought you may find it interesting to read a bit more about the Rheumatoid Factor test from the 'Lab Tests Online' website which we believe to be reliable source: labtestsonline.org.uk/under...
It is one test used when rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is suspected, but is not a definitive test for RA as it can be raised for a number of other reasons. As others on here have mentioned, what is 'normal' can vary, as different laboratories will use different reference ranges. This is quite well explained on the Lab Tests online site: labtestsonline.org.uk/under...
So it is always best to discuss test results with your GP.
To establish a firm diagnosis you would need to see a consultant at the hospital. The consultant will gather information from your blood tests, discuss with you any symptoms you've been having, and do a full examination of your joints.
I'm glad to hear you are feeling much better, and I hope this information has been helpful if perhaps a little late, sorry!
Kind regards
Sarah Kate
NRAS Helpline
Hi Sarah Kate.
Thank you for your reply.
I have been visiting my GP for a number of years with various swollen painful joints and muscles . It has been at least 10 years now. All blood test have come back normal.
I recently moved house and GP's. This blood test was taken by the new GP after i went to him with numerous complaints. Swollen painful joints muscles, Very tired all the time. I also have COPD and Asthma I get very short of breath. Therefore the GP does not like giving me Anti inflammatory's. I have also got a bad problem with voice hoarseness, which has got worse recently. Then i have very dry itchy skin, so much so that i have bruised myself badly from scratching. Dry lips, Nasal sores. Have recently had Oral Thrush (they put that down to my inhalers) Swollen glands in my neck throat, Dizziness, severe headaches that last up to about a week. I have also lost quite a few teeth over the past couple of years. Spondulosis of the cervical spine. Then i get depression. (If i was a dog i'd put me down ha ha)
Anyway. I actually went to the GP thinking i may have Lupus! He done the test to rule it out.
Regard Jes
P.s. I also had the ANA test that came back normal. I will have a look at the lab test on line. Thank you again. Jes
Hi Jes,
Consultant's tend to look at the whole picture not just blood levels, which can and do differ at times of stress, infection etc. Even the contraceptive pill can alter results. There's also xray, scans etc. physical examination and family history, which aid assessment and diagnosis of a new patient.
I sometimes think people read to much into their blood results, we're not qualified to read or fully understand blood/enzyme levels, doctors must look at each patient individually.
I've had inflammatory arthritis with Enthesitis most of my life, now with Kidney disease and recently diagnosed with heart failure, my levels have never been very high yet I can't walk far, use a wheelchair on occasion and housebound some days. I struggle with all physical tasks. Take Naproxen, Leflunomide, Tramadol, Amytriptyline and get 3mthly Kenalog injections. I'd say my whole body inflammation is high despite relatively low ESR, CRP levels.
Take care, I'm sure once you've had a chat with a consultant you'll feel much better.
Beth xx
in the back of my mtx blood test book it gives you the "normal" range to be in as a guideline