I have been waiting for a rheumatology check up after being started on imraldi last October (should have been after 3 months). I have several issues to discuss but have been unable to contact the helpline. Recently my bloods (taken at GP surgery) have been low white platelets and my blood pressure has been too high. GP has reduced my methotrexate and put me on high dose of BP meds and said to contact rheumy (if only). I have now had a letter from rheumy to say I will behave a telephone call on 13 June as the department is not holding face to face appointments in order to maintain social distancing and reduce the transmission of covid. Really!!!!!! I can sit in a Gps waiting room or stand in a long queue at the pharmacy but can't have a face to face with a rheumy. I think tomorrow will be a day of phone calls. End of rant but not at all amused
Not amused: I have been waiting for a rheumatology... - NRAS
Not amused

Hi - that’s crazy they are not holding face to face appts now. Where in the U.K. are you?
I didn’t think they could pull that one now.
Is there a PALS at the hospital? If so, I would write and complain.
Yes spring cross that's my plan I think. It just so sad that we have to work so hard to get appointments
Not surprised you are not amused - that is the most bizarre thing I have heard in a while. Look at all the people who are talking about masks no longer being worn at hospital consultations and your place isn’t even doing face to face consultations. Do you think they actually have a rheumy there? From three month recall to almost seven months is a huge gap in time. It sort of makes you wonder about their staffing levels
As Springcross says write to PALS and if all else fails contact your MP and get them to take up your case.
That seems to go against all the available NHS information ……it could be that some secretary just got hold of a file on her pc & printed it off without checking. I’d have a polite word with PALS at your hospital & see iif they can sort it out for you.
That sounds bizarre, hospitals are functioning 'normally' and have been for some time now. I hope you get some answers today.
What??? That is unnacceptable. Is your Rheumatologist based in a hospital? If so, you need to contact PALS, as others have said. This isn't care and as we know RA drugs are not smarties. They are serious drugs and need to be closely monitored. I wouldn't be happy with my GP reducing mxt either as most GPs know very little about RA. Keep ringing Rheumatology. Good luck.
This is really bad, I've just checked my letters and I started having f2f appointments at my hospital in June 21. My GP surgery did f2f appointments all through the pandemic as well.
Not good 😖. I have had to go privately twice to see my Rheumy. Dont routinely see him now …only the RA nurse. Very frustrating. Hope you get some answers 🤞
I can't believe this! Hospitals have signs everywhere here stating masks are no longer compulsory! We were talking about that on here the other day. I agree that a PALS call is needed. I'd get the Rheumatologists secretary phone number too.
That's utterly ridiculous! Particularly since WHO has declared pandemic over. I had an injection into my sacroiliac joint a few days ago. I'd waited a year. There was no masking (apart from those who wished to) and the rheumatology department, as well as x-ray department, were back up and running again.
I would be complaining if I were you.
commiserations. I have had similar cancellations and lack of follow through. It is distressing trying to navigate the crisis in the NHS.
Sorry to hear your story! However I caught covid after my hospital appointment with rheumatoid consultant! So it is still rife! Take care ☀️
I live in Jersey , on methotextrate , and in 3 and a half years , have only had 1 telephone call, nothing face to face ! We have issues with lack of Drs, and the UK are doing an urgent review of our Rheumotology Dept. Suddenly I have an appointment next week. But for NHS to make COVID the excuse for u not having face to face , is laughable. Good luck , hope u get sorted.
You are really unlucky here in Plymouth they are really on the ball and all appointments are face to face. I think I would be looking at reporting to the ombudsman
Crazy. Press your GP practice to contact them on your behalf about moving your appointment forward and to a face to face appointment. If that doesn't work, try PALs, but they can be a mixed bag in my experience.
I was due to switch from methotrexate (also on Stelara, my third biologic) to leflunomide in January. I last saw the rheum consultant in November but in my NHS Trust you have to have an 'induction' with the Specialist Nurse team. They cancelled the appointment and rebooked it for July, which got cancelled and rebooked for September! Each attempt to bring it forward was met with a firm, "We don't have any available appointments right now" lol. Now I'm having one of the worst flares I've ever had. My GP practice has managed to get me on the cancellation list so we'll see, but this isn't the first time. Dermatology (psoriatic arthritis) switched me to Stelara because of a 10 month gap between rheumatology appointments.
Is your hospital like mine where your rheumatology consultants are shared with other hospitals? It definitely doesn't help with access to regular reviews, especially since covid. Not sure if it's a backlog or what.