Life after 4 th vaccine .: I was fortunate to have a... - NRAS


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Life after 4 th vaccine .

Briefencounter profile image
50 Replies

I was fortunate to have a 4 th vaccine at the end of December 2021 .

I’m 80 , have RA and I am CEV . I take 20 mg of Methotrexate plus Sulfasalazine . I don’t think I’m eligible for the rapid PCR ( or LFT ) and anti virals , I certainly haven’t received a letter .

Does anyone know when the protection from the 4 th vaccine starts to wane ? Now we’re heading for a “free for all “ at the end of the month , I shall continue to mask up and take sensible precautions but it would be nice to know if the vaccine will still give some protection for a little longer .

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Briefencounter profile image
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50 Replies
AgedCrone profile image

Don’t worry ….. I’m over 80 too…..I’ve only had three primary vaccinations, then I had my Rituximab infusion, so can’t have the fourth booster until around May time. I’m just being careful & getting on with my life as normally as possible.

At our age…….I reckon we are just lucky to live in a country where we can get all this medical treatment so easily.

Briefencounter profile image
Briefencounter in reply to AgedCrone

Thank you for your reply , AC . I agree we are very lucky to live in the UK with our modern medical facilities . I have a good doctor , although like everyone , difficult to see . I also have a good rheumatologist but as it's a teaching hospital I usually get a different registrar each time but at least I'm getting seen f2f . In another life I taught in a large comprehensive school and so suffered a daily onslaught of nearly every bug , virus , nasty , going . However , I rarely got ill , so I'm hoping my immune system is better than I think it is

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Briefencounter

I reckon we’ve got this far as octogenarians ….we’re not going to fall at the last hurdle are we? Keep well!

Briefencounter profile image
Briefencounter in reply to AgedCrone

Not intentionally , no 😌😏 Thanks - you keep well too .

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Briefencounter

I disagree with AC , no matter what age you deserve the pcr and antiviral kit and to feel safe . See my post as I write these concerns to my MP

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to allanah

What do you disagree with? I haven’t suggested that any age group should be prioritised……. Just that we may have to take a little bit more care of ourselves as we get older.

I haven’t ‘t got to my 8o’s without optimism, & taking good care of my own health, of course with the advice & great help of my doctors.

I have been told to my face my most dangerous situation is my age & sadly there is no pill to cope with that..,..anti viral or otherwise.

I firmly believe……. as Medway Lady has just told us….the system is working, and should we need the anti virals we will get them, and that will be the clinicians decision.

Personally I would not just swallow pills without direct medical supervision….,so the present arrangement seems quite suitable to me.

As long as everybody is clear what actions they should take, should they become symptomatic … is not necessary to get overly stressed…….. and worry that you won’t get help.

If everybody looks back through posts here all the instructions on how to access the help are there………..

Yes some GPs are not at all helpful, but we are mature individuals ,on the whole coping well…..especially those of us living alone in the higher age brackets, who are by far the most vulnerable whatever drugs we are on…..

However, we are not asking for special consideration, we are just getting on with dealing with the situation…& keeping abreast of what we need to do.

As I say…knowledge is power….as long as we all know what to do if we need help….we will be looked after.

Like everybody, I fervently hope I never need that help.

sparklyshazza profile image
sparklyshazza in reply to AgedCrone

Well said

sparklyshazza profile image
sparklyshazza in reply to allanah

Understand yr concern but there is a criteria set for the rapid package. If everyone had it the nhs would simply go bankrupt.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to sparklyshazza

And ask long as we have take note of what we need to do, if we have symptoms….we should not be too worried.

Poshcards profile image
Poshcards in reply to allanah

I have sent mine to my MP as a last resort and still not got anywhere 1 x

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Poshcards

My gp sorted mine out for me, but it depends on your level of immunosuppression. Lower levels don't need antivirals as you might still have enough T, B , cells to fight a virus but those of biologics, demands plus steroids like me, or worse high treatments like cancer or transplants will. I Hooe you get some helpful news ASAP. I keep plugging away for info from GP, NRAS and Government ! Have a good night x

Poshcards profile image
Poshcards in reply to allanah

I am on 25mg of metho injected once a week have SLE, both arthritis, asthma and many more complications, still virtually shielding, now nearly 2 years, prone to pneumonia etc, etc had all of the previous letters, what more do they want, its making me ill now worrying over it all, but thanks for replying xx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Poshcards

I agree, I think your GP or your lupus consultant should have you checked to be on the antiviral list. I'd ring them up or the gp practice manager xx

Poshcards profile image
Poshcards in reply to allanah

My rheumy has written to my GP, they have ignored her as usual, cant get past the receptionist in my GP's x

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Poshcards

Write a letter marked PRIVATE to the practice manager of the surgery. No one else is allowed to open private mail so you can ask the manager if they received the letter , if not you can put in a major complaint x

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to allanah

Ps I got my 4th after chatting to my GP in December, good luck keep pushing x

Poshcards profile image
Poshcards in reply to allanah

Thanks for advice, didnt know this! x

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Poshcards

If they say no they say no, but sometimes in this game you have to be your own advocate x good luck lovely, it's frustrating x

Poshcards profile image
Poshcards in reply to allanah

Thanks, bless you xxx

Hi. I haven’t heard anything myself about ‘the next stage’. I am having my 4th Covid vaccine this coming week, so will ask my Chemist.

I am presuming they will see how things go…. Not very concrete, but I expect that we may not hear anything again until the Autumn, and ‘they’ will look at how the world is then. I am sure NRAS will inform of us of the ‘next bit’ whenever that is decided upon; they’ve been very good so far.

bpeal1 profile image

Not specifically about immunocompromised people but there was a scientist on BBC Breakfast this morning who said that the covid boosters are lasting a lot longer than previously thought and that in Israel where they have started second boosters they have found they make very little difference as the original boosters were still working well. You may be able to find it on iPlayer.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to bpeal1

I hope it's a reputable scientist, all the others are doing studies now (including the one I'm in) to see effects of waning jabs on immunosuppressed. But that study is not out for a year , meanwhile we are all being asked to be!!. I just can't see why if there are treatments that are available , you have to catch the illness, risk being seriously ill , long covid, or hospitalised then get treated when clearly the preferred method is get treated so we don't get ill first, hope they do look into all these matters for us xxx

bpeal1 profile image
bpeal1 in reply to allanah

It was the very sensible guy that has regularly been on BBC breakfast and he was reporting on several scientific studies. I’m sure he would have checked his facts.

bpeal1 profile image
bpeal1 in reply to bpeal1

It was the guy who does the Naked Scientist Podcasts. There’s lots of other Covid podcasts on his website but not the interview he did yesterday on BBC breakfast. All the way through the pandemic he has presented the facts without scaremongering.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to allanah

Sadly it doesn’t work like that…the NHS is trying it’s hardest, & with the best intentions the way things have been organised seems to ensure those with symptoms, testing positive are getting the treatment they need.That seems exactly the way it can work safely & efficiently…..ensuring there are still NHS staff able to treat people who are already seriously ill, with other illnesses.

Just because somebody has a medical condition now….they can’t expect special extra preventative treatment until they actually need it.

We have all had our vaccinations…so taking care of ourselves now should be our number one priority.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to AgedCrone

I'm sorry but vaccine waning is a huge issue one can't possibly " take care of yourself" against a new virus IF we are unsure how long vaccines work and what percentage of help they are . However I do believe vaccines do work but I feel I'd like further studies before I drop masks and handgel and ventilated areas.

However I've been immunosuporessed LONG before covid and cleaned airplane tables and seats, didn't eat soft cheeses, avoid coughing people for a long time and it definitely isn't going to change with an endemic novel virus around.

You go do it if you say you prefer though, our circumstances are different xxx

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to allanah

Whatever do you mean”you go do it”?

By ‘take care of yourself’ I of course don’t mean “treat yourself medically”..,but that we don’t take chances by going to places we aren’t sure of, that we abide with recommended precautions by ensuring we mask up, keep our distance, & keep all the hygiene & other recommendations.I don’t think I have ever said I think anything differently.

To make myself clear…I obey all the rules safely…but I refuse to dwell on the. “What if”……even though I am in the group at most risk…..I believe enjoying life & not becoming down & unhappy is one way we can all get through this very nast experience.

Fortunately, there is still a huge amount of research going on re

Covid vaccinations…..I’m sure a lot of us who have had Covid, would agree they would probably have had a much worse experience if they had not been vaccinated.

I’m sure everybody on this site is nervous…but as I said before …..we with RA…& many of us here have conditions much more serious than that disease, cannot expect personal , individual medical treatment unless we opt to have private treatment…..not that there is anything available privately that the NHS can’t provide …. but the NHS is stretched to breaking point already….& from what we read here, those unfortunate enough to have had Covid, have all been very satisfied with their treatment.

So do try not to get so distressed by the situation……I’m sure you are taking all the right precautions - for you - many of us are doing all that is necessary -for us - in our own way, & we do believe if we need treatment, it will be available.

I hope that explains my attitude to getting through life safely whilst dealing with Covid.

medway-lady profile image

I've had four jabs and masked up but have got Covid and did yesterday get the antiviral infusion. If you've been called for a forth jab I'd ask your RA consultant if you qualify.

Briefencounter profile image
Briefencounter in reply to medway-lady

I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve caught covid , Medway- lady , especially after 4 vaccines . I hope you’re not feeling too bad . If you were able to have the antiviral infusion did you receive the fast track -PCR and ability to get the infusion or did you have to organise everything yourself ?

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Briefencounter

No all done for me as I got the rapid priority kit mid December. But they kicked everything off on the Lateral Flow result yesterday morning. I got a positive LFT, reported to GP who rang me and organised the Virtual Covid Ward oximetry measurement device. Then about a couple of hours later a phone call from Covid Response Team at local hospital and they organised the infusion at 6pm last night. Although the cough isn't too bad the taste of everything is not good today even chocolate isn't that great this evening. But if this is how it affects person whose had four Phizer jabs then its mind boggling how bad it could be for the unvaccinated. The NHS also sent the information about getting prescriptions filled and shopping help; I don't need it but it does seem a bit better organised than we are sometimes led to believe. I'm definitely not very, very ill but I can imagine how bad this virus could be. I do stress though I've no idea how I got as was masked etc and only been into John Lewis lighting department, a local tea shop and B&Q for a swift purchase of paint. All three places seemed covid safe but the doctors did say it's so rife that they think impossable to avoid and it could be surface contact rather than person to person. So bad luck.

Briefencounter profile image
Briefencounter in reply to medway-lady

Gosh that does seem to be really bad luck . Good to hear that everything has clicked into place for you . Interesting to hear that it could be surface contact . Anyway , I hope you stay relatively well and that it doesn't get any worse . Take care .

in reply to medway-lady

Wishing you a speedy recovery

Gladders profile image
Gladders in reply to medway-lady

Sorry to hear you have Covid especially after being so careful, but it sounds as if all the stops were pulled to get you the antiviral treatment. Hope you feel better soon and you don't get any of the long term affects/effects (I can never get my head arrived which one!)

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to medway-lady

You are not alone…..If you watch the latest utube report from the Zoë research project….you will see that Tim Spector the lead scientist has caught the virus…he categorically states he has no idea where he caught it because he has been working from home.So everybody must be very careful……& most importantly know exactly what to do if you do have Covid symptoms.

Look back on the posts on here …& leave a note of your doctor’s number by your telephone.

Bessieboo1 profile image
Bessieboo1 in reply to medway-lady

Hope that you are doing ok. Xx

sylvi profile image

I can''t have my 4th jab as i have pneumonia. When i get cleared i will ring to see if i can have it

GinnyE profile image

I really understand your question and wonder about the answer. It would be nice to know wouldn’t it? Don’t think anyone will be telling us soon.

Like you I got my fourth jab in December. I’ve paid for several antibody tests during this time and they went up after the third and still the same reading after the fourth. I guess we are as well protected as we can be at the moment and I’m hoping the protection sticks around for some time.

If it begins to worry me it’ll be another £50 test later on.

Unfortunately we are not offered tests to find out.

If I get Covid I’ll ring my GP or 111 and they will decide if I qualify for anti viral meds I guess.

I’m out and about more, been to restaurants now and again, masks in shops etc.

I did read somewhere that although methotrexate can inhibit a strong vaccine response, conversely some studies suggest that if you catch Covid methotrexate can help stop a severe illness. Double edge sword!

Briefencounter profile image
Briefencounter in reply to GinnyE

Thanks for your reply , Ginny . It's good to hear that your anti viral tests showed that the vaccines are still working . Interesting to read about the properties of Methotrexate.

sparklyshazza profile image

U wont meet criteria for the rapid pcr test... if u get a positive lateral flow then phone 119 press 4 and discuss with them

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to sparklyshazza

You can ring GP and they can refer to the Covid Virtual Ward who send you an oximeter and ring daily to check on you and give you a phone number to bypass A&E to get a hospital bed if needed. And they also refer people to Covid Team at the hospital who respond direct, it look about 5 hours from the positive LFT to GP to hospital confirming infusion that evening. That was Friday and today I feel back to normal. My oxygen level has not dropped below 98 % and apart from being tired and no taste I would not know I've got it. As I've said before the doctor said its so rife that they don't know how people can avoid it so I should not worry or blame myself as I did wear a mask and haven't been anywhere at risk. Doctor said it could be touch and my husband has it he has asthma but no symptoms just tired. The nurse who did the infusion said they ring to check and thats later on today but no side effects and all good.

Briefencounter profile image
Briefencounter in reply to medway-lady

That's all so good to hear . Excellent news Medway lady.

bienassis profile image

I had my 4th vaccine on 11February - just 2 days ago - and was told to continue being cautious. The omicron variant is very infectious so I'm not bullet-proof! However, it should ensure a milder infection should I be unlucky enough to get it. So masks in public places - and avoid crowds indoors. Just be sensible - there may be other variants waiting to pounce.

I am 86, on methotrexate and a biologic.

So, get on with life - and keep well.

Briefencounter profile image
Briefencounter in reply to bienassis

Good to hear how "slightly more mature" ladies like myself are keeping . 😄 Keep well !

Sallysuk profile image

I am 79 take methotrexate 20mgm & sulfasalazine and have been told by my GP they know nothing about a fourth vaccine and by rheumatology that I am not eligible for one?? We talk about our having the best health service in the world but it would seem that this statement depends where one lives in the UK. How can the requirements for a 4th jab differ so much in different areas of this country

Briefencounter profile image
Briefencounter in reply to Sallysuk

I'm really sorry that you've not been able to get the 4th vaccine , Sallysuk.

I thought that I had read somewhere that because people were confused whether the cutoff for MTX eligibility was 20 mg or >20 mg whoever decides these matters made the decision to accept 20 mg for the cutoff point .

Have you tried going to a walk-in centre with your recent vaccine passes , including your booster and your prescription and having a word with the clinician there . This is how I got my 4th vaccine .

I took all my covid passes and the letter from my rheumatologist with me and offered to show them everything but they looked at my medical record on the portal and were happy to give me the final booster without reading the paper work I offered .

It does seem unfair that in some areas it is more difficult to get a result - so sometimes we have to take the bull by the horns and sort things out for ourselves . Good luck 👍

Sallysuk profile image

Thank you so much I will try that. I do not understand my GPs dismissive attitude and Rheumatology say they have had no update since Sept 21!!

Briefencounter profile image
Briefencounter in reply to Sallysuk

I have just found an article from the NRAS , dated 02 December 2021 :- " based on JCVI recommendation nearly all rheumatology patients ( excluding those solely on hydroxychloroquine or sulfasalazine) should receive a third primary dose of the vaccine . ( so by extension be eligible for the 4 th vaccine booster - these are my words ) . Patients on Methotrexate LOWER than 20 mg are not eligible . "

Apparently letters including this information were sent to all GPs and rheumatologists.

You may like to Google this for yourself so that you have extra ammunition for your case .

Ridiculous that we should have to do all this 😒 but sometimes we have to be our own advocate.

KathleenMary profile image

I had my 4th vaccine last Friday and since that I've had a lousy cold,cough and lost my voice. Hey hoI have scleroderma and take methotrexate weekly but nowhere near 20 mg also take hydroxychloquin,fluoxetine,nifedipine and of course folic.

Was surprised to get a letter advising me to get 4th jab . But only too pleased to be invited

Briefencounter profile image
Briefencounter in reply to KathleenMary

There are lots of anomalies surrounding the third and fourth jab . Some have received them easily , others have had to fight for them . I’m pleased to hear you were in the former cohort . However , the jabs aren’t without their downsides . I felt rough after my 3rd Pfizer jab and after my 1/2 Moderna - my first two AstraZenica had no effect whatsoever . But I’m grateful to have had them .

KathleenMary profile image

So am i

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