NEWBIE TO RA: Hi I am 60 have enjoyed good health up to... - NRAS


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bettysbags profile image
17 Replies


I am 60 have enjoyed good health up to now but was diagnosed with RA November last year in my hands, never known pain like it and I've had 3 children! Had a steroid injection the same day and within 24 hours the swelling had gone down and pain diminished. Was then prescribed MTX 15 gms once a week, folic acid on days not taking MTX and later Etoricoxib 60mg was prescribed (although haven't really noticed a difference with this). I was also told by the pharamacist that I should be taking an anti acid but as yet I have not tried it.

I deliberated about whether to take MTX seeing the possible side effects! But scared that the disease will progress to other joints and soft tissue so decided to take it. So far only mild nausea and tiredness usually a couple of days after. I have another appointment beginning of February can anyone give me any tips to ask the Rheumy at this stage. Obviously I would like to ask if I'm now better but have got my head round the fact that this is something to live with.


Heather xx

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17 Replies
Belle76 profile image

Hi Bettysbags I don’t have RA but have Psoriatic arthritis, which affected my hands so I know you are in pain. With these types of illness it’s more being on the right medication to get into remission than a cure. It can take quite a while to work and find the right combination for you. I did have Mxt but one tablet on a low dose just didn’t agree with me. I felt so bad I refused to take it any more as I couldn’t leave my bed. But some people are ok on it. Ask for a contact number to call if you need to ask advice etc. Good luck in your journey. I’m in a good place with my psoriatic arthritis and has taken me long time to be this good.

JFlay profile image

Hi Heather, it's a good idea to write things down like a diary, symptoms and questions etc. and take photos (swelling etc.) to take with you to your appointment so you don't forget anything. I have to do that or I'm in and out in a blur! It's quite likely to be a phone appointment though? my last one was.All the best.

bettysbags profile image
bettysbags in reply to JFlay


Thank you all this information is invaluable. Apparently its an actual face to face appointment but I will take my little note book with me.

Thank you!

Boxerlady profile image

I was diagnosed nearly two years at 59 and am now on Methotrexate, Hydroxychloroquine and Sulfasalazine having had doses increased and medications added gradually.

I had a couple of steroid injections to tide me over while the medications kicked in and had to use paracetamol and ibuprofen (as well as the usual things like heat and cold, compression gloves and a wrist brace) to start with but happily I'm now fine with just the 3 DMARDS (and Folic Acid.)

I've had a few side effects at various times but they've all settled and I'm happy to take whatever my rheumy prescribes to keep me pain-free and avoid long term damage 😊

A diary and notes of questions you have are a good idea; also jot down the answers as appointments can be a bit of a whirl! 😉

bettysbags profile image
bettysbags in reply to Boxerlady


Thank you for this information, glad to hear that symptoms have settled, its such an unknown isnt it?😱

Boxerlady profile image
Boxerlady in reply to bettysbags

It certainly feels like that at the beginning 💐

My GP gave me great advice - try not to Google but if you must, use only trusted sources (I stuck to NHS, NRAS and Arthritis Research UK) and don't read anything older than 5 years as things are being discovered all the time and treatments are coming on leaps and bounds.

This forum is a great place for advice, information and support but do remember that people often post when they're struggling and there are many out there who have found "their" medication regime and are happily getting on with their lives 😊

bettysbags profile image
bettysbags in reply to Boxerlady

Of course I've asked Dr Google and scared myself silly!! have learned my lesson and yes you are right about the trusted sites. You are so right and great advice thank you👍

runningbracken profile image

I was the the same Heather. Terrible pain.I thought i had gout. I was a keen mountain runner and started getting aching feet and right wrist pain. I just thought it was sore feet from all the running. I ran alot. Then i thought it must be gout. On some of the races i was taking pain killers just to finish the races. So went the doctors something wasnt right. After the tests and x ray's i found i had broken my foot which was an old injury from a year or so before and had fixed itself and RA. It knocked the stuffing out of me. That was back at the end of 2017. My treatment was MTX an folic acid which seemed to help a lot. I was still getting bad flair-ups but i could live with them at the time. but they never went away and now an again really bad. Now, this year have just started the MTX injection pen and i can really feel the different from the tablet form. Amazing to how i was feeling. Am back running without the pain, sleeping a lot better and generally feeling great. Its early days on the injection pen but it seems to be working for me fingers crossed. Its took me 3 years to get to were iam with my RA. Ask about the injections with your doctor, maybe something to look at in the future if you stay on MTX.

Wishing you well on your journey


bettysbags profile image
bettysbags in reply to runningbracken


Its so interesting to read of other people's journeys. Are you still able to exercise as I also enjoy running but have stopped everything except walking until I have the symptoms under control. At the moment its just affecting my wrists and 3 fingers on each hand (bizarre) but am worried that it will spread to other joints. I don't have many side effects from MTX but am not sleeping and wonder if this is in fact a side effect. I will certainly ask about the injection pen thank you👍

AgedCrone profile image

Hi Betty B I was diagnosed around your age 20 years ago & I’m still here & 90% fighting fit.Yes you are better for now ....and with a bit of luck on methotrexate you could be better for a long time. But get that prescription for the Folic really helps with the nausea,

Don’t just buy it over-the-counter need to be prescribed 5mg apills nd you can’t buy those your rheumy nurse tomorrow & get that sorted......if you can’t get hold of her you have a rheumy appointment soon ...start making a list of the questions you want to ask....((i) Ask about Folic Acid!

I took Mtx for seven years and apart from the odd flare any pain I had was listening to my rheumatologist. A lot of people remain on methotrexate successfully for many years.

I think my saving grace was I could not tolerate when Mtx stopped working my rheumatologist guided me through various D Mards .. ..........until in 2016 I was put on Rituximab infusions and I have continued to lead as near normal life as anybody of my age would.

I refused to let this disease run my life.

Don’t overthink it Betty ...RA is a horrible disease but it’s not the end of the world. I can look back now and think 60 is still a young woman - so don’t suddenly decide you’ve got to stop doing things because you’ve got RA ...if you can manage it do it!

You will read the posts on here from people who aren’t doing too well. at the moment.....but remember we are all different what happens to them won’t necessarily happen to you....

Until this rotten virus made its appearance I was travelling 3/4imes a year on my own all over the take the meds your rheumy prescribes & get on with your many of us here do .

These days there are so many good drugs available...I’m sure you will be well looked after..l.but until,Covid has past....we all have to be patient.

bettysbags profile image
bettysbags in reply to AgedCrone


Wow thank you for that its so easy to focus on the negatives isn't it? I am still working so that has helped keep me occupied. I am a glass half full person but this has tested me so far, but yes you are right I will get on with it and fill my notebook with lots of questions.

Thank you!

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to bettysbags

Glad it is overwhelming at first...but once you’ve accepted it.....really all you can do is grin & bear it...I know if I started to overthink things I felt helpless....but once I got it straight in my head- I coped.I hope everything goes smoothly for you.

bettysbags profile image
bettysbags in reply to AgedCrone

Thank you

runningbracken profile image


I am, though not as i use to. I just take it slowly now. I found that having 1 or 2 rest days between runs helps with the subsidence of the pain. Saying that, now am on the injection i have felt great. Am not in any pain after my runs which i was before. Its stilll hard work but am so happy being able to run still.

My wrists are really sore like yourself, especially the right so find it difficult to do any weight bearing exercise, feels like i haven't the strength in the wrists. I think your right about the meds making you sleep i was like a sloth a year or two ago. I was also having uncomfortable sleeps but they have also eased which is great.

Hopefully you'll get a handle on your RA and get back to as normal as possible

bettysbags profile image
bettysbags in reply to runningbracken

Glad to hear you have kept up the running, it helps to focus the mind as well as the body!

Thank you all for your invaluable advice, keep well everyone.

Sorry to hear you have "joined the club". I joined around two years ago and had such pain in my upper arms that it made me cry and I could not get up from a chair or the toilet, could not totally wash and dress myself etc. I would say, yes, steroids do seem like magic, but they are not good long-term. They tide us over until the DMARDs start working. You are very lucky to have started on MTX so soon. A lot of people have to wait a long time. It is absolutely the gold-standard treatment and, if you can tolerate it, much gentler on you than biologics.I'm really sorry to tell you you are not "better" as in don't have RA any longer, but the steroids make you feel as if you are. If you are going to reach remission (as I and many others have), it will be thanks to MTX or another DMARD. By the time you go for your appointment in February, the MTX may be working, but sometimes it takes longer than 12 weeks. It took longer for me, but I got there. I so hope that you do too. The outlook is good for most people with RA, so stay as positive as you can. x

bettysbags profile image
bettysbags in reply to

Thank you

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