Does anyone know what corrective arthritis is? - NRAS


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Does anyone know what corrective arthritis is?

Ms-D profile image
11 Replies

Hi all hope everyone is well and keeping safe. I saw my clinic nurse 2 weeks and received the outcome letter yesterday. It stated that I have some corrective arthritis and a flare up of tendonitis. I have never heard of this so a little confused. He also suggested I start hydrochloroquine as the Idadcio is still new and I need to be on it for 12 weeks to see a difference. Anyone give me any advice with their experiences of hydrochloroquine as I did not tolerate the other 3 dmards very well so a little scared of starting this one? Thank you in advance all x

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11 Replies
nomoreheels profile image

I've never heard of corrective arthritis, sorry. Others may have heard of it though I wonder is there any chance it could be a misspelling? I've had glaringly obvious mistakes in Rheumy reports, those I could work out but possibly a typist in a typing pool working from a dictaphone for multiple Specialities wouldn't necessarily know or may take a guess at if unable to clarify. Is there anything else in the report relating to it, a connection such as a treatment plan?

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to nomoreheels

I have inflammatory arthritis but corrective arthritis is new to me. Will email them to find out. Thank you for replying x

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Ms-D

As Pip says it could be connective, that could easily be mistaken for corrective on tape. The answer is to speak with the nurse if you think it makes any difference to things.

I forgot to add that hydroxychloroquine was my first DMARD, 400mg daily. I did have a little nausea & hair thinning the first but both eased the longer I took it. I also light sensitivity which never went. Headaches too but wearing sunglasses eased both. My Consultant did arrange for me to have eye tests at the hospital to keep a check on things. It stopped working after a year unfortunately because otherwise it was a good med for me.

Pippy25 profile image

I've not heard of corrective arthritis and as NMH says may be others may have. I've heard of connective, again without repeating what NMH has said it would need to be established or clarified either what it is or if indeed it is a typing error, as I too have experienced some obvious errors or mistakes in reports received from my rheumy....I even changed name part way through on one report! Do hope you find out. Take care x

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to Pippy25

My name was spelt wrong too. Too much work i guess x

Deniseelk profile image

I wonder if they were referring to “ connective” arthritis? I think it would be in your interest to speak to your specialist to clarify your diagnosis. I was started on Hydroxychloroquine as soon as I was diagnosed with RA. It is one of the frontline drugs offered. I pretty much had no side effects at all apart from a few days , one month in on 400mg daily, of hives type itchy lumps on face that flared for literally 15 minutes for few days and that was all. Do get an eye test prior to starting Hydroxychloroquine as this gives your optometrist a starting point and yearly eye tests with specific checks based upon being on Hydroxychloroquine are necessary. I think a call with your rheumatologist team will iron out your queries.

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to Deniseelk

Thank you thats useful to know. I got bad hives with sulphasalazine the 2nd time round. I need to carefully think this through as Idacio a biosimilar of adalimumab, is new to me. Only had two injections at 40mg

Ms-D profile image

No my right hand

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to Ms-D

What Ajay might ne referring to is corrective arthrodesis, which is fusion of the foot.

I think same as others that this could be a typo for “connective”. Interested to find out tho’!

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to helixhelix

My consultant responded and said it was a typo. Thats made me think what else have they got wrong. But its connective arthritis so sending me for xray. Im self isolating as a teacher in my year bubble tested positive. Bless her she has no covid symptons but just a common cold. She feels awful though. I got tested today so awaiting results.

Empress30 profile image

Never had a problem with it. I took it in my less painful days. Now I'm on much stronger stuff..

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