All..... here I am again, reaching out to you for that hug 🤗 and chat. I had good relief in my joints after both shoulders were injected..... in that when I moved my arms out, up, etc I didn’t experience that searing pain....however, the pain in my arms and wrist is pretty much the same....keeping me awake in the evening and affecting everything I do...(which isn’t a lot right now).... I’m upset, my rheumy guy has accepted 12 weeks of methotrexate at 15mg is not helping and he’s upped it to 25mg?.... which scares me?...Sulphalazine and hydrox’ just don’t even seem to be touching it either...... I do wonder if there is something they’re missing? My mood is crap, I cry, I have changed from an extrovert to someone who finds it hard to be around people because all I think about is my health and dwell on it constantly..... have others had their methotrexate upped and it helped? Thank you for letting me vent 😩
A week after shoulder injections : All..... here I am... - NRAS
A week after shoulder injections

I'm on 25mg Metoject too (as well as Hydroxchloroquine and Sulfasalazine) and was only on 15mg Methotrexate for a short while; my rheumy's plan was always to increase it and just started me on 15mg to "ease me in". I haven't had any problems with the increased doses other than the usual fuzzy head for the first couple of weeks and 9 weeks into adding Sulfasalazine finally feel like I'm getting somewhere. Let's hope that this is the tweak that really helps you 🤞
So sorry to hear you are not feeling great Piglet. Are you keeping notes of how you are feeling as sometimes keeping a diary of how you are can help give an overview to health professionals. Again write down ongoing questions, as you say you are frightened of the way this is affecting you and don't be afraid to ask and keep asking, this is your body, your journey with RD . I'm sorry I don't have experience of MTX so can't comment on if this has side effects or how it may make you feel. Take care and keep strong x
He sounds like a good rheumy. The meds just take a bit to kick in so use your painkillers and anti inflammatories to help. Mtx is a good drug. If that doesnt help he will change but unfortunately, they take time xxx you can always ring them if you are worried, hugs 🙂🙂 xxx
Sorry to hear that you are not feeling so well. Methotrexate didn't do it for me, but then nothing has.
It's probably wise to give the higher dose a chance and hopefully it will help. I hope it does.
I'm kinda like you in that I just don't see many people now, I just can't be bothered in listening to what I now see as idle chat, when I'm not feeling well. The noise of people being together is very uncomfortable with the fatigue and brain fog.
Hopefully if we can find something, increased methotrexate might be your one, life can move on in a more positive way 🤞
I'm really sorry to hear how you're feeling, this disease really has a lot to answer for. It may be that this 25 mg is just what you need but of course it takes time to find out. Do you have any good painkillers for now to tide you over?
Hi springcross..... I was prescribed naproxen last week... it does nothing?
Well, that really is a nuisance then. This may sound a bit silly but have you tried Paracetamol? The rheumy nurse told me to take it regularly (as stated on the instructions) to ensure that it is constantly in the system. I actually didn't do that as I don't really like taking tablets anyway but I do find that they are good.
Piglet some drugs need to be taken regularly before you will see an effect ie they need to build up. I’d keep taking the naproxen as it might start helping 😊
Thank goodness for a proactive rheumy. I'm on just MTX, folic acid and the occasional co codamol and it's all good. It has taken a bit of tinkering with dosage and other meds but reckon I'm 95% normal now 🤞. Hoping it does the same for you
Give the Mtx can take 24 weeks to really control symptoms, if it hasn’t by then,I’m sure your doctor will either add to, or change your drugs.
I don’t want to sound unsympathetic...but I’m afraid everything you are feeling is something a lot of us have been through...& eventually have come out the other side....with a drug dose that works.
All you can really do is sccept R.A. is a multi faceted disease that takes a different route for everybody.
So hang on in there...let’s hope Mtx @ 25mg is successful for you.
You don’t sound unsympathetic... I appreciate the direct.... it’s just so difficult believing I’m going to get better
Piglet....twenty plus years ago I ended up walking on sticks, then crutches...terrified I had MS or some other other horrid disease...I honestly thought I was being soft soaped by being told I had RA...but I sucked it up.
Well RA is a horrid disease...but in the last few years Biologic & other drugs have improved the chances of leading a better life...but unfortunately not the speed it happens!
Patience is NOT one of my then Rheumy told me to think “I play tennis in the park....not the Wimbledon Final”
That was one of the ways he persuaded me to just soldier on ....I might add that Wimbledon was never in the offing!
So get out the chocolate (if you like it) put your feet up & Swallow the darned pills or inject the ruddy stuff....& tell yourself this time next year.....”I will do whatever task I really, really want to do”
I know I sound like PollyAnna...but it’s worth a try isn’t it?
You sound wonderful and put a smile on my miserable old face 😘
A lot would disagree .....but I gave up believing in fairy stories a long long time ago!
You are on a hard old slog but you will get there if you are determined!
But spoil yourself & kick the (metaphorical) cat....not your friends or loved ones....You CAN do it!
Yes AC 'dig deep' is my sort of motto...and boy have I gone through many spades of various sizes with RD and Co but I'm determined and you are so right about your analogy on playing tennis in the park and Wimbledon. We have to learn to accept and adapt a long the way. I loved dancing, but would never have graced the dance floor to earn world class champion status or be a Strictly pro dancer without any RD. Although 18 years on with RD, while yes my legs are a mess at the moment, I have adapted to chair based stuff and I can shimmy and throw a few 'shapes' and I am fine with that and am determined to keep doing this. As you rightly say it is a hard slog and a roller coaster too, but determination and inner strength (which sometimes you wonder where it comes from) keeps you going.
Hi Piglet, Everybody reacts differently to the way their condition affects them emotionally and no one likes to be told to snap out of it as often people need to go through an interim stage of a longer acceptance (providing they don’t stay there too long as that is often detrimental in the recovery process!) and some people aren’t always able to go it alone. You are what you are, so if you need support and a sympathetic ear then that’s what you need some of too! A combo I’d say. Some support and friendly comments to get you through are always good. I am pretty tough, to say the least, but with a caring side (but when someone starts to take the pee with me, it isn’t something I like!) I hope your Mtx starts to work great for you as it’s an excellent one which lasts a long long time for people and doesn’t tend to lose efficacy easily. Good luck and let us know how you are doing. x
Try not to be scared of increasing your mtx, it’s pretty common to be taking 25 mg, let’s hope that it makes a difference to you. It’s good your rheumy is responding quickly. The early months of diagnosis are the worst and it’s quite natural to feel like you do so look after yourself and don’t beat your self up that you are not your usual self. You have had a lot to take in and get your head around and it can take time to get settled on meds and also to find your limits.
Come and sit next to me on the sofa I’ve got a big fluffy blanket and chocolate. I’m going to find something to watch on TV this afternoon because that’s what I need to do today and there’s nothing wrong with that at all. Tomorrow is another day and hopefully with a bit of rest today it will be a bit better one.
Keep talking to us Piglet, we know how you feel and we will support you however we can x🤗
Poor Piglet....all so frustrating for you; the pain, the feeling you getting nowhere, the worry of the increased dose recommendation BUT hang on in the smile on with the lippy, put one foot in front of the other, tomorrow is another day, 24 hours closed to that extra MTX showing you it’s helping deep down amidst all those ‘ockard’ cells! Your Rheumy is using his wide experience to help you towards remission and between you and the drugs, you will soon feel more like the original You....nice self administered treat due to you now....go ahead!
Forrest Gump had the right answer life is like a box of chocolates. Some hard some soft! RA is a rotten set of hard chocs but there are soft ones coming. Take it easy and try to have a good weekend. As for the drugs try anything that helps. 😎
I have been on this dose for about 25 years, it's the maximum they prescribe for RA. It is fairly usual to take this in combination with other dmards and or biologics to bring this disease under control. You have been struggling for some time, trust your rheumy team, have your regular blood monitoring tests and try to rest those shoulders and arms whilst they are in this flare.