Gone are my yoga days... wish I could do Darcy s moves
Jealous : Gone are my yoga days... wish I could do... - NRAS

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Jump to repliesAwe, not a care in the world. I love dogs.
Love your dog: mine can do same, he’s utterly shameless 😊
I I got down like her I would never get up again. lol.xxxx
I hope you can still dog walk. If I could, I’d have a dog. Enjoy your pet!
Can’t manage every day and when I do it’s just the once. Walked her this morning. It was very quiet out I walk along a busy road very little traffic only one person walking he chose to cross the road rather than walk past me ...eery

Too many walking here... used to be quieter! Sometimes difficult to keep the 2m distance. But the walks I go are by the river and quiet places usually. Just more people at home and walking for fresh air, as advised. This will all pass but it will be a while...
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